Wednesday, August 5, 2020

July 20th (Day 3: Eden Falls Trail/Twin Falls/Arkansas Grand Canyon/Swimming)

We got up around nice! Got some breakfast and headed out to Eden Falls Trail 1st thing before it got to hot. Luckily it was very well shaded with all the tall trees.
Eden Falls here we come!!
The Eden Falls cave was closed because of covid but the waterfall was still open.
2.3 mile roundtrip hike here we come!! ha.
Ella was excited.
We sprayed ourselves with sunscreen, bug spray and had bug ankle bracelets. We also brought the cooler back pack stocked with water bottles!
Hat girls in the back.
The water was really low in this area so this would have been a creek going through but nope no water.

Love looking at all the trees.

Still no water.

Loving all the rock formations!
We had to go up a lot of rock steps and down them! Much more of a workout than I thought it would be. Addie complained but Ella was a trooper.

We saw one family that we passed but not a lot of people on the trail yet.

Kind of steep going down.

We started hoping there was going to be a waterfall still since we never saw a creek.

Thought this was a pretty shot.

This huge cave leads to Eden Falls Waterfall!! yay!
Wow this is huge!!
This was so amazing!! Hard to get a picture to show its massiveness.

There it is with all its glory!!
The pictures I saw online it was gushing...oh my. Lol. 
Covid 2020 winning again!!

A father and son were there and they took our picture! yay.
Standing up tall on the rocks and don't forget the water fall on Nick's!

Love this can tell more how big the area is behind Adelyn!!
Time to go explore for these 3!
I'll take pictures!
They are going deeper into the cave!

They are way back there.

All the scenery is so pretty!

Coming down a different way.
Hiking back...yay! NOT!
It seemed easier and faster on the way back?!

We were super close to our cabin so we planned on going back and eating lunch, leftover brats and hamburgers! Also got an air conditioned break before finding some new adventures!! yay for exploring!
Time to go find the Twin Falls.
When you are driving it is a lot of up and down the mountains.
The views are just gorgeous everywhere you go!!

It was crazy going down the mountain with the holes and steepness...reminded us of Colorado!
We made it down the mountain finally!!
This hike is only a 1/2 mile round trip so we can totally do this.

We made it to the double waterfall....ha!
Sometimes its a triple with extra 
Well at least there is a little trickle!!

Clear water with lots of fish.

Now time to head to the Arkansas Grand Canyon...say what??! Ok!
This is soooo beautiful to look at!!

Puffy clouds everywhere!!

My smile isn't right in these pictures...ha! 
We really needed to cool off before dinner...hitting up some swimming at a different watering hole!
Super clear water was my favorite part.

Family photo!!

So pretty!!

Happy family!!
The water feels wonderful.

There were a few people but not too many, which was nice!

We had such a great time!!
Time to head to the cabin and make tacos for dinner.
We also are going to watch the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean!!
Loving our little cabin.

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