Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 16th (Nice Day Out!!)

Emm and Adelyn played inside!! They could play all day if we let them! Love neighbors.
Ella and I ventured outside to walk up and down the street.
She found a huge stick!
Loving this weather!! Keep it up KS!!
Time to grab the girls and have them go jump at Noah's for a little while to get some energy out!

Happy girls jumping..especially Ella.
Auntie Lisa came over for dinner tonight. It was nice hanging out and catching up. I even got to do some swiping on her Tinder Account...wahoo.
The girls chose to have some ice cream on the deck after dinner!
We are ready for SUMMER!!

March 15th (Winsteads and Science City with Grandma Joy)

 Time to start this day off with some lunch at Winsteads!! Yummy one of all our favorites!!
 Then we headed to science city...Grandma Joys first time.

 Adelyn loves doing the bike.
There were sooo many people here that I was like lets head outside since it was finally in the 50's!

 Adelyn made it to the top!!

Ella got 1/2 way up!! Whahoo...the highest she has gotten.
(Adelyn then lost the "amulet" from Grandma Jacky's necklace she just got from when I got my grandma's old jewelry box. She was super sad and wanted to leave.

 Too many people...ahhh time to go!
 As we walked through the store to leave we spotted some galaxy turtles that were on clearance that the girls liked. So grandma got them each one and it cheered Addie up!
Time to hit up the street car before we go!
It was super crowded on here but we found a spot.

My mom enjoyed the street car but I told her this summer we will go back and it wont be as crowded. Their were a lot of people down at the big 12 tournament. We might not have picked the best day. Ooops.

We headed home after this! Exhausting dealing with so many people! Ha.
We still had fun and were happy Grandma could go with us.
Enjoying a beer on this nice day!!
Thinking of my momsquad with my coozie...can't wait till August!!

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 14th-Day 4 of Spring Break (Hanging out)

I didn't take any pictures today I guess...haha. Adelyn played with Emma at our house for a long time. And I got some cleaning and laundry done with Ella just playing in her room! We just relaxed and had a day at home!!

March 13th- 3rd Day of Spring Break (360 Gym w/friends and Delaney Staying the Night)

 Look at my helper this morning! Today I planned to hang out in the morning, eat lunch at home then hit up 360 with friends around 1.
It's packed with kids!! Rainy days will do that on Spring Break.
Ella doesn't care...she just wants to have fun!!
 Delaney, Eli and Addie making a obstacle course!

Look what they made for awesome fort! Great job guys.

Adelyn just hanging out in a cool chair!
They had a great time at 360....2 hours was my limit. Lets go back home w/Delaney and play!
I made fried chicken tenders and salad for dinner. Yum0.
Then the girls watched Jaws 2 (okay-ed by Janet)
And to end the night ice cream sundaes!

The girls had a blast playing in Adelyn's room. Then they made a fort to sleep in...which they couldn't to hot and claustrophobic!! After 11 pm Delaney and Addie finally went to bed. Great night!! Delaney is so sweet and funny!

March 12th- 2nd Day of Spring Break-Jump City w/ Washington Family)

We were suppose to meet at Culvers but they had some sort of emergency alarm problem so we met at Jimmy Johns! It was still yummy. Then we were all off to Jump City to get some energy out of these kids!!
 And Ella is off and going!! She did great on all the jump houses. She can climb up them a lot better.
 Adelyn and Jillian two peas in a pod!

Wahoo all by herself!

She was so proud of herself.

 Jace was having fun.

Wow get some air girl.
Ella was the only one I could find most of the not a lot of pictures of the other kids.

Oh my gosh I love this adorable picture of them!!
Jump City wasn't crowded which was nice since all the missouri schools are out next week on Spring Break!
Sooo much fun catching up with Debbie and letting the kids play. Ready for summer and more hang out time!!