Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22nd (Day 3 of Ice Day...yes the kids are still home!!)

Nick working on a new game for the carnival at our school in May!! Thanks honey.
Playing nicely this morning after a good night rest...they are playing restaurant shop.
After some chores this morning and lunch we played some games!!
Clue Junior is one of Adelyn's favorites...then we played that I always win...hahaha.
Time for the HOT TUB!! It so cold outside lets get warmed up in the hot tub...awesome.
These two are excited.

The girls bought with their own money Mermaids that actually swim in the water when we went to Walmart yesterday. So we tried them out in the hot tub...and they work amazingly!!!
$10 in the check out line!!

We made an earlier dinner tonight and then headed up to Lamar's for donuts with our basketball team! Pamela bought a bunch of donuts for all the girls...great job girls even though we lost every game.
Adelyn, Amelia, Jaylan, Tinsley, Cambrie, G, Delaney and Penelope. 
Missing Clara, Amelia 2 and Anjalee.
Ella wanted a picture with the Jayhawk!!
Ok so I am really hoping tomorrow is school...we all need a break from each other. Plus the kids are ready to get out of the house!!
Cross your fingers for school tomorrow!!

February 21st (Ice Day 2-Venturing Out)

Well school was cancelled again today. 
Nick has been home also with us so today we decided we needed meat so we headed out to the library to rent some movies, walmart for a few things and then to Sam's for some meat along with a nice cheap lunch!!
All of the cards that kids made Ella for her birthday. Super sweet!!
We got the movie finally...Avatar!!!
Movie night tonight.

I made homemade cinnamon rolls...perfect day. So cold outside and these things look amazing.
I also made roast, mashed potatoes, carrots and bread for dinner.
Except I forgot that Avatar is so sad...not watching that one again!! Lol.
So during and after the movie the kids started fighting!! It was one crying then the other. I think these ice days and president's day have been a lot of days off now. 
And the champagne wasn't my fault the kids made me open it!! HaHaHa!!

February 20th (Ice Day At Home Day 1)

Everything is iced over!!

 Time to clean out this messy room Addie!!
 Yes it is super bad and needs some help.
 The afterwards is so much fun!!

Looks so nice great job Adelyn with helping me get this room back in shape!!
I moved onto Ella's room and got hers back in order...but it wasn't as bad. Now to the rest of the house...ugh too much to do!!
 Here goes Adelyn out into the storm to head over to Emma's house for a play date!! She made it safe but the roads were all ice.
Oliver is super crazy and came outside for about 1 minute then right back in. He is just hates being inside.

February 19th (Kids R off-Presidents Day-Ear Piercing)

Playing with Ella's new bubble maker from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sasha.
They both love it...we actually have never had one but have wanted one.

Wow it pumps out a bunch at once.

Watching the Zombie movie from the Disney Channel we have been wanting to watch this for awhile now but it just came out except it didn't record the last 20 minutes. Oops.
Ella new cape that Mary, Isabella's mom made for her birthday. Super cute.
My mom came over about 11:15 to ride with us to eat Winstead's and to get Ella's ears pierced.
 Yummy lunch at Winstead's....always yummy here,especially the frosty's.
 Now time to go to the mall!
Ella is super excited and has been waiting awhile to get her ears pierced.

Hope she is happy after.
Here we go!!

Its done...she didn't cry either. She was a little taken a back but did great. We all cheered so I think that helped.
Cleaning her ears now.

She chose blue of course.

 My mom decided to get her ears re pierced since one was closed up and the other never went in correctly. Here she goes.
 She said it didn't hurt...well that's good to know. Just a little pinch.
The two girls with their new earrings!
Fun times!