Monday, August 17, 2020

August 11th (Rainbow Party w/ Simmons Girls)

Rainbow food for the party!!
My Rainbow cake I made!
 Rainbow take home stuff!
Rainbow glitter tattoos!!
 I decorated the house....the fireplace had pictures from the last two rainbow parties!
 They were so little!

 Going on the trail to take more pictures in some natural light!
 Pretty girls!

 Love this one!
 Bridget made everyone rainbow bracelets!!

The youngest ones!
The oldest!
Mom turn!

Group picture!! Love these pics!

Last time we tried Erica's favorite pizza, Jack's this time they got to try Red Baron! They liked it!
After some playing it was time for the hot tub and pool!!

 Erica relaxing on a Banana!! Haha.

They swam while we had a drink!

Bubbly for the win!
Then the ultimate thing happened, Erica and I said YES to Addie staying the night at their house!!!!
1st time ever!!! Yay!!
They are going to have soooo much fun.
Great day and hopefully a great night!!
Pierce and Ella doing "Pops" firework things!
Pierce is just to cute and loves Ella!
It was also Ruth's birthday today. So Ella and I brought her down some leopard earrings for her b day. Ruth and Ella just happen to be matching with their yellow! How cute!! 

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