Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 28th (70 degrees!!)

Oh my goodness what a fun filled nice day!! Today we started out our morning playing in the backyard in the sandbox!! Adelyn has been wanting to play in the sandbox all winter and finally today was so nice we had too dig right in!! After nap we then headed up to the playground to meet with lots of other mom's and kids. The girls had a blast and it was nice to socialize with some grown ups!! Great day!

January 26th (Erica's 30th Birthday @ Houlihans)

 Lindsay and Me. (She is so much fun!)
 The birthday girl (Erica) and Amy.

 All the girls!!
 Austin's after Houlihans with Amy!
 Me and my hubby. Below...Nick, Kiel and Phil!
Tonight we got Nick's mom to come over and watch the girls after I put Ella to bed. We headed over to Amy and Kiel's to deliver there washer and dryer to them that Nick and Kiel had gotten earlier in the day. Then we all went to Houlihan's for Erica's BIG 30th Birthday!! We had so much fun having some drinks and talking just as adults...no KIDS!!! woo hoo...fun evening for sure!

January 26th (Wyatt's 5th Birthday)

 Ella being a soon to be 1 year old getting into stuff..lol!!
 Wyatt's 5th birthday party at Space Bound!! Fun times.

 Great picture of Jillian and Adelyn..lol.

This afternoon Adelyn and I headed up to Space Bound for Wyatts birthday party. Daddy watched Ella...which made it so much easier. Adelyn had so much fun!! Then I headed to Burger King for some dinner and to home to get ready for Erica's 30th birthday!!

January 25th (Opening late Christmas Presents)

Aidan and Adelyn.

 Ella loved her cow!
 Today Hollie and Aidan came over to open late Christmas Presents...lol. Aidan and Addie had lots of fun playing in the playroom and Ella loved watching them. Hollie and I got to catch up which was nice.
Later Daddy got home and we got to watch Ella sporting her new crawling moves all over the place!! woo hoo go baby girl!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24th (My two Pretty Girls)

 Addie wearing a hello kitty headband. So pretty!
 Unhappy baby....time to get out of the high chair!!

 Playing with crank toys..the girls loved them.
 Check out Ella's moves...she is crawling/walking with hands and feet...she is so crazy. She just doesn't want to crawl like a normal baby...scoot, sit , crawl, sit, roll! She cracks me up.

 Addie's in jail...lol.

Today was a fun day with the girls. Now that we are all getting well around here. I decided my house needed to by Lysol attacked. I got about 1/2 done so far. LOL Ella is making some new moving moving around moves. Also last night was the 2nd night for not nursing in the night...Ella didn't wake up once!! Hopeing it sticks because the first night  she cried for 2 /12 hours with me going in about 3 times to help her calm down. Ella is also eating a lot more during the day especially dinner food.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 17th (SMILE)

Look at that smile! That is all I have to say!!

January 16th (Ella is 11 months old!!)

 Sisterly love!! Ella attacking Adelyn...lol.
 She started getting happier today which was nice.

 This is Ella's other new thing...pushing her feet up like she wants to stand. You go girl!

 Love this of Ella but Addie was being silly!

Today Ella is 11 months old!! Time is just flying bye. She started getting better today and was a lot happier. Ella is now 1/2 crawling, she still loves to roll everywhere...lol. She is still not wanting to feed herself but really enjoys us doing it!! lol Her favorite thing to eat is dinner food especially any kind of meat!! Ella still isn't talking but can say "mmmmmaaammmma" and is trying new sounds. She is still the happiest little baby I have ever met. Love you boo...starting to plan her birthday, super excited!