Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 9th (Pantry/Austin's Birthday Dinner w/Volleyball Mom's)

Wow the pantry is amazing!!
I just have to clean it and fill it now!
Nick has to finish some trim too!
Tonight was my 1st birthday celebration with the volleyball mom's!
We met during our kids volleyball practice at Austin's for dinner! Yummy!!

Amber brought me fun 40th birthday stuff!
Jill is here too. Looking all cute with her new hair do!!

Almost 40 and fabulous!

Other mom's got here!
Sarah ordered this giant pretzel!
We had a good time chatting.
Amber got a little wasted and talked about some interesting subjects, but that's Amber!
Gotta love her!
Thanks for celebrating with me ladies.
Guitha, Denise, Jill, Amber, Sarah and Me!

How many pictures do we need...haha.

Thanks for making life a little more fun and enjoyable at all the volleyball games!

February 8th (Naked Dads)

Ella had all her dad's in a van today!
(All NAKED!!! hahaha)


February 7th (Pantry)


Staining the wood counter!

February 6th (Spirit Week/OE Freshman Night/Ella Pics From School)

Hat day for Ella today.
Both girls had different spirit activities going on, lol. Adelyn didn't really care about it! So that made it easier.

Super bowl is right around the corner!
It looked so pretty out tonight while we were walking into Olathe East tonight. Nick and I just went to check out info. It was just about enrollment and we asked a few questions to some teachers. Adelyn has counselors coming tomorrow to talk about enrollment!

Got some pictures from Ms. Melissa, Ella's new speech teacher! Ella loves her!

I can't believe Adelyn is going to my old high school next year! How is she going to be in 9th grade, my baby is too big now!!


February 5th (Volleyball Tournament Day-Home Field/Pantry)

Today we had a tournament at the old Mavs facility in Olathe. I was excited until I entered the facility. It was packed with people everywhere and you had to bring a camping chair.
I went early with Addie, Nick and Ella were going to come later but it was just too loud and crazy they just stayed home. Nick go to work on the pantry then.
Let's go Attack!!

Number 4 is my favorite!

Yes Girl!!
So the girls played pretty well. 
We could have played better but that's ok. 
There were two brackets and we were in the loser one we all said. Lol.
But we got 1st place in that one against 3 other teams!
We were surprised to get gold medals, but well take it! Ha.
Our coach is hilarious.

Great job Attack, now get me out of this place!! It was too crazy here. Along with a few rude parents!
I came home to the start of the pantry cabinets!! Yay!

Love it!! So amazing!! Long day today!! But I love watching her play!