Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 21st (Noah's Party/Delaney's Party/Katrina's 40th B-day!!)

Noah's party at Pump it up...9:30 am birthday...a little crazy to get there but Adelyn and I made it...Ella stayed home with Ella. Too much work.
                                                       Daphne doing the big balls.

                     Adelyn did the balls...she loved this activity. Looked fun to me.

We hit up Goodcents to bring home for lunch then at 1:40 Lizzie picked us up with Daphne and Taylor to go to the next party at the skating rink for Delaney.

Delaney....happy birthday.
Taylor has skated before and did great.
Daphne did awesome, but Adelyn not so much.
Adelyn could not get the hang of so she had to quit pretty fast. She fell over and over again and was crying and got hurt. I felt so bad for her. I am actually a great skater, but I learned that Nick can't skate for anything...so Addie might have taken after him...sorry addie.
                   She did enjoy the cupcakes and hanging with friends. Sorry sweet girl!
We got home and it was time for me to get ready to go out for my friend katrina's 40th birthday. We started at Louie's Wine Dive Bar and then hit up Funky Town!! The pics to follow are from Funky Town. It was so much fun being crazy and watching all the unusual people around. lol.

Me, Katrina and Ruthie.

Love you my hottie husband.

Katrina a little intoxicated dancing in the cage! hahaha.
Here is what the crowd looked like from up high in the VIP area. lol. The people were getting a car wash with soap and all. Glad we weren't down there at the time. Great time...we will have to go back.

May 20th (1st Day of Summer Break!)

Summer break fun toys for the girls!

We had to run some errands...we stopped at burlington and this is what the girls were doing through the store!!
We first went to Ella's feeding appt, then burlington last we met my mom, aunt cindy and brother at Tea Garden for lunch. The girls were starting to loose it and so was I!! Ready to go home and hang out there!
I told them we could get in the hot tub since the pool was still cold and we invited the neighbors.

Well that didn't last long...Addie had to jump in the 74 degree pool!!

Taylor and Kenna are here...they were super excited.

After the girls were over for a bit April got home from work and I got her to join me in the hot tub. She enjoyed the relaxing jets until all the kids started jumping in and being crazy..we need an adult night soon!
Finally Nick got the Kegerator going...Addie wanted to join in the picture. Haha.

May 19th (Adelyn's Last day of School/Mcdonald's/RE Mom Night Out!!)

Adelyn is officially a second grader!! And she still wants to be a vet.

She is just to cute.

Some of the crew!

                  Mom crew minus one!! We all had such a great fun year of getting to know each other and having fun with all our kids!! Love you guys and ready for all the many years to come!

I love this pic of ruth trying to get her son up on top...oh Ruth. Then she got an amazing picture of Noah by himself up on the bike rack...lol. To funny.
After our 1/2 day of school we headed up to McDonald's to meet Grant, Kenna, Taylor, Lizzie, Daphne and Violet. It was super crowded with high school kids...so took awhile to get food but the kids loved playing there for 3 hours!!

Girl club going on today.
After McDonald's we headed home to relax which Ella fell asleep immediately, which never happens ever!! I then made fish sticks for Nick and the kids so I could leave with the mom's for Mom Night Out At Restoration Emporium!!

A selfie of Lizzie and I at RE in front of my neighbor/friends booth April...Hot Mess Farm Girl!! I even bought something from her!! We had so much fun drinking champagne punch through the store and then hitting up The Other Place for some yummy dinner. Great time..can't wait for more.
This is what I found when I got home at 11:30.