Monday, November 29, 2010

November 28th (Hangin At Home)

Loving the face she made!!

Addie saying, "cheese"!!

Look how long her hair is and how curly still!!

Tonight Addie just hung out with Daddy and I in her room with some Christmas stuffed animals from last year!! She was very happy to see Christmas going up today!!

November 27th (Playing)

Adelyn tonight was being silly for all of us. She brought the cat basket out and started playing. So I started singing "row row row your boat" and she pretended to row and sing also.


Daddy and Adelyn
Addie it!!

Marissa and Ava (20 months)

Cousin Bailey is such a great BIG cousin to Adelyn!!

Bailey, Anthony and Brennen

All the cousin's that were there...the one at the end is Amelia, the last time we saw her she was at our wedding and was 3. Crazy how big they get and how fast!!

Today was a crazy fun day!! My mom ended up getting the stomach flu the night before so I was in charge of the whole Thanksgiving dinner, including a homemade pumpkin pie and apple pie. We got up early and I made pies then we headed to Nick's families Thanksgiving at noon till 2:30 then back to my parents. I then made stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, gravy, rolls and divided it so David could take it out to Nanny and Poppy so they wouldn 't catch the flu. I never got any pictures of my family since I was so busy. And then when it was all done I got to clean the whole thing up!! I was so tired I went to sleep at 8:30. Next year better be better!!

November 23rd (Making Thanksgiving Cookies)

Today Addie and I made yummy cookies. I made a royal icing this time and it works great. It hardens within two hours!! Adelyn loved to sprinkle the sprinkles!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 19th (Night our for Mommy and Daddy @ the Shark Bar)

Keri and her boyfriend Chastin

Uncle Dan and Aunt Maggie

Cousin Cooper and Me

The boys holding the purses!!

Tonight we had a super fun night out with the Cousin's and Aunt and Uncle!! We all headed to the Power and Light District to the Shark Bar. My cousin Keri got us all 1/2 price drinks and free food. It was a lot of fun and dancing. We ended up not getting home till 3 in the morning and ended up waking up with Addie at 5:20!! Not like it used to be when we would party...lots of fun but we aren't staying up that late for a long time!!!!!

November 19th (Playdate at Amy and Mia's)

Today Addie was feeling better so we headed over to Mia and Amy's to hang out. The girls had fun playing and jumping on Amy's bed. Thanks for having us Amy!!

November 18th (Grinch)

Tonight Daddy and Addie watched "The Grinch" the one with Jim Carey in it. We didn't know if she would be scared or not. But she loved it and watched the whole thing with her Daddy while I made dinner. Also Addie has had the stomach flu which has not been fun aronud are house and then Daddy caught it!! Hopeing she feels better soon.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 13th (Grandma Jacky's Birthday at RC's)

Aunt Cindy and Aunt Maggie
Cousin Sarah

Aunt Leslie, Unlce David, Uncle Dan and Cousin Cooper

Mom, David, Cousin Jordan and Unlce Kevin

Grandpa A.D. and Grandma Jacky

Me and Cousin Keri.

Cousin Aidan, Cousin Quinn, and Cousin Hunter.

Addie had Grandma and Sarah do ring around the rosie.

Cousin Julie and Aunt Cindy.

Family Pic

Tonight we went to RC's for Grandma Jacky's birthday dinner with the whole family. The kids had so much fun in our private room because they could do whatever they wanted. It was nice having the private room with 23 people and being there for 2 1/2 hours. Great time and food.

November 12th (1st "Warm" Chocolate)

Today Adelyn and I had a fun day hanging and playing around the house today. Adelyn loved the "warm" hot chocolate today, we didn't have any marshmellows but it was sure yummy.

November 12th (1st Hair Cut)

Today we went over to Val's for a little trim of Addie's bangs...they kept getting in her eyes and she was getting very upset. Val forgot her professional scissors at work, but the dylan's scissors worked fine!! LOL Adelyn just watched Barney while Val cut away. Thanks so much Val...we had fun organizing and playing with Isabelle.

November 10th (Play Food)

The other day I went to Target and in their $1 section I found play food and Adelyn loves it!! She just loves to "cook" and make us dinner all the time. I am so excited to give her her Christmas Present....a Kitchen!! She is going to love it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 7th (Playground Picnic)

Adelyn just loves the monkey bars now!!

Today was so much fun!! We decided since it was so nice out that we should go get Goodcent Subs and head to the park for a picnic lunch. Adelyn just loved playing while mommy and daddy ate. She would run over occasionally for a bite or two!! It was really nice just hanging with us three today.

November 6th (Oak Park Mall)

This afternoon we went to Oak Park Mall to shop and to let Addie ride on the carosel with Daddy. She just loves it!! We then went out to dinner at Carraba' was super yummy and Addie did great at dinner.