Monday, March 31, 2014

March 30th (ZOO!!)

Ella is getting sleepy..nap time, but it's time for the KC ZOO!!
Addie pretending she was tired.

Ella mesmerized by the otter's. She was loving the animals.
The polar bears where out today!

The girls loved the polar bears!

Got a good shot of the girls!

 Finally getting to see the new penguin exhibit....the penguins where right there. The girls loved it.

Inside the exhibit was awesome too.

              Watching the penguins swim around under the water! This was really cool to watch.

What a fun long filled day!! I went to pick up the girls after Nick and I had breakfast at the hotel. While Nick headed into work for a few hours. He has been working everyday for the last 3 weeks!! I feel so bad for him! The girls had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa last night, they had steak, salmon and s'mores! What fun Grandparents!
Since it was sooo beautiful outside we just had to go to the KC ZOO! This year I bought a zoo pass. We don't live that far from the zoo and I think it will be worth having one. We went for just a couple hours and didn't feel pressured to hurry through the park. We just didn't the polar bears, penguins and Australia. It was nice and can't wait to go on many more nice days!
The girls finally passed out on the way home! We then got home finished a movie and grilled out while the girls played! Great family day, but very tired from the night before! Loving my family right now!

March 29th (Celebrating Our 7th Anniversary Early!!)

 Eating like a BIG girl!! Sometimes she wont let me help her, even though she still needs it.
Are you looking at me?
Anniversary Surprise Starts off at the Q Hotel and Spa!!

Trying to take selfie's in the mirror, but we don't know what we are!

                                                      My new favorite with my hubby!
                                       Getting some drinks on this somewhat nice night!
Today the girls and I started off getting McDonald's breakfast!! Yum. Then we hung out at home and got things ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's. I got things ready for Daddy and I to go stay the night at the Q hotel!! Well it was a surprise for Nick. So I left a note a long with some of his favorite beer while I took the girls to my parents to sleep over.
So I get home and Nick never went inside!!! He was visiting at the neighbors, then came inside with me. I told him to read the note and he was excited to go to a hotel. Not exactly how I planned for him to find out but he didn't know until today. lol
We headed out to finish getting ready at the Q. We got two free drinks a piece when we got there, super nice! We got a FREE shuttle to Kona Grill for dinner that I set up a reservation at. That is where Nick proposed and we love the sushi!
The food was great, and since we had the night to do whatever we walked around the plaza and got a drink. We headed back to the hotel from the shuttle and walked to westport. We just hung out and got some drinks met a few people. Had fun together! And just relaxed. Great Night with my husband...happy 7 years honey can't wait for the rest of our lives together!

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 25th (THE BEST COOKIES!!)

Here are the best CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE COOKIES!! These are soooo good. Nick thinks they are the best kind I have ever made. Thanks Pinterest!!

March 24th (Daddy Pictures)

I looked on my camera and found these pictures Daddy took while I was out shopping at Kohls. I love when he sneaks in pictures!

March 22nd

Having fun playing in the playroom today!

March 21st (Oak Park Mall!!)

Ella having fun on the couch in the play place!
                    I tried to get one of them both looking and Ella just wouldn't do it!!
                                        Aunt Cindy helping Ella Bella go down the slide!

 My mom and Grandma also joined us...we got Grandma Jacky a wheel chair so she could get around more.
                                          Grandma spoiled them with a carousel ride!

            Holding one of those Australian animals...I just think it is wrong they sell those in the mall.
We had a lot of fun at the mall. The girls played and I got to shop. Then we ate lunch at Panera and looked through American Girl. We tried to go to Children's place but the girls were done for the day. Crying and stomping started going down!! to the car/naptime we go!!
                                           Adelyn's face in this

Both of his girls wanted him tonight. Daddy has been working long hours..the girls have missed him for sure.
                                               Having fun with Daddy is the best...Adelyn says!