Tuesday, August 4, 2020

July 19th (Day 2:Runaway Coaster/Lunch/Damn/Buffalo Outdoor Center-AR)

After breakfast in the room that we brought. 
We packed everything up and headed to The Runaway Coaster for some fun!!
There wasn't a big line which is good, but this thing looks crazy fast!!
Nick and Ella were up first!
 They have cameras on the track to take your picture, then we got them all on a zip drive for just $15!! Score!

 They are look like they are having fun!
 Ella's face...love it!
 Here comes Addie!

 Happy face for her!!
 Here I come!! Haha. IT WAS SOOOOOO FAST!!!

Wow that was super crazy!
I was good with the one time, but they all wanted to go one more time and it was less money for doing it in the same day, so why not!!
They had to wait in a little bit of a longer line but now they are about to go on!!
Round 2 on the single car roller coaster!!

 There goes Nick and Ella.
 And Addie!

 They were flying down the track!! Ha.

 She LOVED this ride!! Best EVER she said!
The girls each picked a stuffed animal for a souvenir, skunk for Addie and a buffalo for Ella!!

 Driving through the strip to go get lunch.

We found a pretty good barbecue place for lunch!!
They had pop in the bottle, so fun.
Addie had grape and Ella rootbeer!

Not as good as KC BQ but still good.
Time to head to Table Rock Lake and check out the Damn.

So pretty outside today!
We stopped at the visitor center but it wasn't open due to covid!
Pretty flowers though.
They also had a little swimming area, but there is a beach area so we opted to go find that instead.
(The beach ended up being closed unfortunately!)

Found the big Dam!
Well I called the cabin in AR to see if it was ready early and to our surprise it was! Time to head to Ponca, AR!! Just a little over an hour away!
We made it to the border!
Loving the hills and scenery around here...way better than KS!

We made it to Buffalo Outdoor Center where we are renting the cabin from!!
We checked in and headed right down the street to our cabin!
It is the cutest cabin ever!!
Granite on the counters...fancy!
The upstairs loft had two full size beds for the girls!! Perfect!
It's our first real cabin to stay in before!
Two really excited little girls setting up their beds with their toys!
Maps of cabins!
Oh and we have no reception at all....no phone calls, text or tv!!
Wow this will be a first!
Time to go swimming at the Ponca Access!!

The water is sooo clear here!! Wow!

Excited to explore!

The super cold spring water was over here...with a little waterfall.

Swimming time!

Addie catching little fish.

After an hour swim we headed to back to cook out some hamburgers and brats!
Ella loved the front porch swing!!! I mean obsessed!!
Happy girl!!

These were the trees right outside our cabin that we sat by while grilling out! Wow so pretty!
We also went into outdoor center and checked out 3 Pirates of the Caribbean from them for free. And got ice cream treats from the little store. Ponca has a population of 9, so not much there! Ha.
Great dinner and Adelyn really love the 1st Pirates of the Caribbean!!
Time to get some sleep, hopefully everyone sleeps in.

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