Monday, May 30, 2011

May 28th (Addie is Growing she is 2!!)


1 month

3 months old

6 months old

9 months old

12 months old

18 months old

Adelyn now 2 years old!! My big girl.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 28th (Adelyn's 2nd Birthday!!)

Chuckie Cheese visit number 2...since the tornado sirens went off the last time we never finished turning in our we went back again on Addie's birthday.

She actually was not afraid of the BIG Chucky Cheese guy.

All the goodies she got with 429 tickets...not much but she loved it!!

Next stop was Build A Bear for the first time. She picked a dog and we named him Chocolate!!

Giving him an air bath!!

We went home for lunch and naptime!!

Presents from Mommy and Daddy...we got her a toy box filled with wrapped little presents.

The grandma doll and little stroller to go with her 1st doll house we have had.

Me and my birthday girl...can't believe how BIG she is!!

Playing of her gifts we got her. Uncle steve enjoyed making food also.

Great Grandparent's are here...more presents!!

Adelyn got lots of the monkey, dora night gown, cup, bowl and placemat oh and a new Dora Movie. She was super excited and loves Boots!!

New golf club set from Uncle Stevie...she loves them.

Now presents from GaGa and PaPa...a new wagon filled with lots of toys!!

The wagon is another success!!

Two birthday cakes for our Princess...well we were gonig to get her a ice cream cake but then we weren't and then we did!! LOL So Grandma had already bought her a little mini cake so we had two instead!!

And to end the evening Addie showed us how good she is at doing somersaults...Yah Addie!! Today was such a fun and exciting day. Happy 2nd Birthday Adelyn...we love you sooo much!!

May 27th (Playdate at Bridget's)

Today we went to Bridget and Erica's house for a playdate. There were about 8 kids around the same age there. I didn't take any pics but we had so much fun. Thanks for the invite...can't wait to do it again.

May 25th (1st Chuckie Cheese Visit & GaGa Judy Present)

Adelyn's 1st time at Chuckie Cheese

Princess Adelyn

Her favorite part was climbing in the tunnels and going down the slide!! She had fun but I know she will love it more once she gets a little older.

Early present in the mail from Grandma Judy.

Adelyn got Can Do Sue...a monkey that helps you learn how to zip, button, snap and other things!! She was a little scared at first but then loved to take her with her. Thanks Grandma.

Sitting with Sue watching Diego!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 22nd (Softball for Daddy)

Daddy hitting the softball.

Addie and her Daddy!!

Tonight we went to Lee's Summit for Daddy to fill in for Justin's softball team. At first Daddy kept hitting the ball up but then got the hang of it and got a run. Adelyn enjoyed playing on the playground, playing with Bree and Briely. Adelyn and I also got a yummy frozen lemonade. Great day with Daddy and Addie.

May 21st (Barbeque at the Wages!)

This is how Addie fell asleep in the car on the way out to the Wages for dinner.

Aidan wouldn't look but still smiled!!

Addie bringing her Daddy a beer for the first time all by proud!! LOL

Justin was jealous!! LOL

Having fun in the backyard!!

My pretty little girl!!

Tonight we went out to the Wages for a yummy nice barbeque. Aidan and Addie had so much fun playing outside and some what together. They are getting so BIG!! Thanks for having us Hollie and Justin.

May 20th (Fun time at the Mall)

Today Daddy got off early so we went up to the mall. Addie wanted to ride on the merry go round...the Dolphin up top with Daddy. We then went to dinner and had a great night!!