Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 20th (Ally and Andrew Gender Reveal Party/Chiefs Game)

On this cold/freezing morning we headed out to pick up my aunts and cousin along with their mom to Linwood, KS to my cousin Ally's gender reveal party!! 
Yay so excited to see what she is having!!
We ate some brunch food then it was time to's a

Andrew was super excited...Ally had a suspicion it was a boy and was thrilled!

Me and Keri...selfie time.
Love this girl!

I brought Ally a little gift for the baby, since the Chiefs play today!!
I got home and got some appetizers going for the big playoff game for the Chiefs tonight!

Well it wasn't what we all wanted....the Chiefs Lost!! Boo Patriots we hate you!!!!!
Chiefs deserved it more and there were so not fair year boys.

January 19th (Furniture Shopping)

Furniture Mall of Kansas
Yep that is Addie riding a big tricycle through the store. They have these for kids and even cookies or drinks!
I am wondering on the weekend when its not an ice storm how crazy this place gets. Ha. 
Ella can't do the tricycle well so she got a ride.
We found some couch options but are still looking!
We hit up furniture deals didn't find anything.
Then to Krispy Kreme for a little snack treat...yum!
Ella picked pink!
And Adelyn Chocolate of course!
Last we went to the Pool table/sign store near there to look around.
The girls were getting done so we headed to get some lunch at Austin's Bar and Grill!
We love their chicken fingers spicy of course.
Headed home to stay inside for the rest of this cold day!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 15th (Baby Max!)

I brought Adelyn lunch today for the first time this year since I have been working so much.
She requested goodcents and asked Daphne to eat with us. We went to the Pod area since 1st grade had indoor recess in the flex space and the lunch room is sooo loud!
Daphne photo bombed us! Ha.
Great lunch.
Jeff and Max came over so Jeff could help Nick with the basement.
I took Max with me to Cheerleading with Ella. He was running around everywhere!
We headed home to make dinner and play!

 Cousin picture!! They are so cute. Love Max's blue eyes.

I made dinner for everyone, oven baked whole chicken! Max loved it all. Then I had to leave at 6:30 for lion stampede meeting!! 

January 13th (More Snow Fun!!)

1st down the big slide today! 
Nick added more snow at the bottom to help.

Reshub waving at the camera!
This slide is HUGE!!
Leo enjoying the snow with the kids.
Emma going down!

Making snow balls to hit people coming down the slide. HaHa.

Ella checking out the fort!
The kids did a great job making it.

Ella having fun in the snow.
Noah is here to slide!

We got the reindeer blown up from Christmas.
It goes fast.

Sister sliding down the hill in between our houses.

More snow to stop the kids from running into the street or truck.

Nicks turn to go down!

Ella's ready to go down!! She is so excited.

What are these three up too?

 A bunch of kids in our yard now!!
Cora is here to play and slide!

These kids are having a blast!

Go Cora!

After playing outside twice today we needed some hot chocolate!! Yum.
These kids had a blast today!! I might need a break from the snow fun for awhile.