Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daddy carved a really neat pumpkin today!! Adelyn enjoyed looking at the pumpkins.

October 28th (Happy 5 month Birthday Addie)

Adelyn is 5 months old today!! I can't believe she is so BIG. Today she started to crawl...she will crawl up on her hands and knees but then will army crawl the rest of the way. She still needs more practice but I am sure it will be soon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 25th (Playtime at Home/Green Beans)

Adelyn is now rolling all over the place and is now enjoying playing with her toys.

Daddy and Addie on our new laptop we bought on Saturday.

Since I am staying at home...I have decided to make homemade baby food for Adelyn. We decided to try green beans with her since she is almost 5 months and since she is really getting active and trying to crawl. The thing with green beans is that they are hard to puree so I think Adelyn likes the taste but not the texture. We are going to try sweet potatos we will see!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 24th (Fall Fest/Dinner at the Tompkins)

Addie all dressed up for the Fall Fest in Olathe at the Nazarene Church Free function.

Nick, Addie, Kiel, and Mia doing the cake walk.

The girls playing at Amy and Kiel's.

Me and Addie and Amy and Mia!!

October 23rd (Grandma Livingston's House)

Look at me I rolled/kind of crawled under the bed!!

Addie and Great Grandma Jacky.

Grandma Joy and Adelyn.
Today we went and visited the Grandma's. Adelyn had lots of fun playing on the floor and entertaining us.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 16th (Hanging with Mommy)

Adelyn had spikey hair today...and was in a great mood!! She has been really trying to crawl and I know she will get it really soon!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 12th (Trying to crawl at 4 1/2 months!!)

Posing for the camera!!

Adelyn is wanting to crawl so bad these last couple of days...she gets up on her knees and pushes them forward but hasn't figured out how to move her arms and legs at the same time...I am sure she will in the next couple of weeks!! Go Addie.
Adelyn also now pulls herself up to sit all the way up in her infant seat while buckled in!! She is such a crazy girl.

October 10th (Aunt Maggie's 50th birthday Party)

Tonight we went to my Aunt Cindy's for my Aunt Maggie's 50th birthday party. We didn't get many pictures because Adelyn was not a happy camper and only wanted mommy the whole time. Addie is soooo HAPPY during the day but as soon as night hits she wants to be at home with mommy and daddy!!

October 9th (Mommy/Daddy time at the fire pit)

We put Addie to bed and thought we could have a little time to ourselves outside by the fire, but Addie needed her mommy a couple of times during our romantic evening!! That was okay because we love her more than anything!!

October 8th

We had to put the whole outfit on. Night Night Addie.

October 7th (Val's house)

The girls love all there toys at Val's house!!
Maddie and Isabelle love Adelyn's car seat.
Val got this shot of Addie flipping her off!! Hehe

October 6th (Playroom/Highchair)

Adelyn's first time in the high chair...she did pretty good, but still working on it!!

This is our playroom in progress and Adelyn playing with one of our new toys I got at a garage sale for 2 bucks!! The playroom now looks better with the couch out and one of the chairs, but we need to paint still and get it all in order!! The disorganization is driving me insane.