Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26th (4 week Doctor Appt.)

Here is Adelyn on our bed just hanging out after we went to the doctor. At the doctor Adelyn was weighed at has gained 2 lbs she is now 9 lbs. 6 oz. I couldn't believe she weighs that much now and is 21 1/2 inches long!! She is just getting so big and I love that she is changing everyday!!

June 25th ( 4 weeks old!!)

Adelyn finally fell asleep by the end of the day!!

Adelyn is 4 weeks today, I can't believe how fast time flies!! She is getting bigger by the minute.

Adelyn went through 4 outfits today from blow outs!! I took pictures in 3 of them!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 21st (Our House for Fathers Day)

Nicks parents came over for father's day and we got crab legs and steak to make. It was a fun night, but some what demanding with a newborn who wanted to eat a lot and who was very tired!
Adelyn and I got Nick a new wallet filled with Adelyn's pictures and our family pictures.

Aren't those huge crab legs or what!!
She did sleep a little bit right through presents!!

June 20th (Fathers Day @ Aunt Maggie and Uncle Dans)

My uncle kevin is a crazy man!!
My aunt maggie and Adelyn.
Adelyn's 2nd cousin Sarah.
Adelyn's 2nd cousin Jordan...she was a great help playing and holding Adelyn.
Great Grandma Jacky just loves holding Adelyn ever chance she can get!!

June 19th

Play time with mommy on the floor. oh and Reesie had to join in on the fun!!

Daddy says we need lots of tummy time to practice lifting our head!!

Adelyn has been starting to smile!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 18th

Adelyn and I stopped by to see our friends Erica and Bridget!! They had fun playing on the floor together and we had fun catching up!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 16th (1st bath)

Adelyn's first bath since her umbilical cord fell off!! She still isn't enjoying bath time quit yet.

June 14th ( Newborn Pics at Target)

Adelyn cried through all of her newbon pics at target, but we did get a few good ones!! Maybe next time will be better.

This is one of my favorites and we got it in a 10 by 13. I can't wait to pick them up June 26th!

Family photo!

She is just to cute!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15th

Adelyn's little hands.

Her little feet.

Oh she is just to cute for words!!

Our family picture!!

June 12th

Sitting with Daddy at home.

At Mi Pueblito, the local Mexican Restaurant, for our first dinner out with Adelyn.

Hollie (18 weeks pregnant with a BOY!!) and Justin.

June 11th

Adelyn is 2 weeks old here!! I can't believe how big she is getting already. I love taking pics of her and now that she is staying awake more it makes them more fun!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 9th

I know Adelyn is only about 2 weeks here but she rolled over onto her side when she was 4 days old and now here she rolled all the way over onto her belly all by herself with me and Nick watching. I couldn't believe it!!

June 6th

Nick and I stopped by Amy and Keil's since we were out and about. Mia and Adelyn got to hang out!!