Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 23rd (Noah's B-day Parade/Lauau Party @ Eva's Dads House)

Noah's Parade

 Jaelyn (Noah's Girlfriend), her mom and friend.
 Ruth's best friend Mary Ellen, husband and 5 kids!

Erin and Nora.
 Bekah and her boys.
Sarah, Eli and their cute doggy!
 April and the kids.

 Cade and his mom.
 Hunter and Dana.
 Here we come!
 Watch out balloons are about to go under the tire.
 Family photo!! Silly string everywhere from friends!

 We walked down to say hi and see what he got!!

 My pretty flowers!
 Just relaxin.

We headed over to Eva's dads around 3:30 with Nick.
Time to have some fun!!

Ella and her daddy!

 Eva, Megan, Rob and Eli.
Megan and Danny.

 Water balloon fight!!

 Girls vs. boys!

Me and my hubby. 
Glad he is getting to rest this weekend for the most part!
Rosa likes to wear goggles!
Eva and her adorable niece Rosa!
We had a great time and stayed till 8 pm. 
Time to get these kids to bed!!
Now Nick and I can enjoy some alone time!

May 22nd (Delaney & Jaelyn Drive Bye Parade/Noah's Early B-day Present/Family Walk)

Look at the new leather cork!!! I am soooo excited, I love Mindy but she is getting the good stuff now just like Nickle and Seude!! Can't beat her $9 price! Love her. Ha.
10:30 Car Parade
(It was raining so hard to grab pictures of a few!)
 Nora and Erin
 Aubree and Ashlee.
 Cade and his mom.
 Sarah and Eli.
 Me and my girls!
 Janet and Delaney! They handed out cake pops also!
Jaelyn was next...just a few houses down!
Same birthday! Ha.
Noah's is tomorrow along with Adelyn and Tucker next week!
After dinner we delivered Noah's Lego B-day present early!|
Hidden Side Legos...he loved it.
Climbing Noah's tree.
Family walk nice out!

Love walking by Olathe East and looking at all the clouds! So peaceful!!