Saturday, August 23, 2014


The BIGGEST watermelon EVER!!
 Yesterday we bought this watermelon at Price Chopper for only $2.99, it weighed more than Ella...huge!! Well I cut it up and gave 4 neighbors big bags full, a huge Tupperware for us, and a Tupperware for my parents house. Plus I still have 1/4 left!! lol We love Watermelon!
Time for some pool fun at Grandma and Grandpa's after school today!!
 We were in the pool, in the hot tub and back and forth...Adelyn swam a lot!! Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to see the had been 3 weeks!!
                                          Ella was so happy to see uncle stevie!!
Daddy only got to stay for a little while because he had to head to Iowa to work for Saturday and then come home Saturday night!! But we stayed and had so much fun with my family!! It was nice just hanging out..I am exhausted from the first full week of school!!

August 21st (THURSDAY!!)

Adelyn wanted to take a picture of Nala!
The girls were playing so nicely together this afternoon!

 I suggested that we go up to the Italian Ice place after dinner since it is soooo HOT!!! And Adelyn hasn't had it since she was 2 and I new Ella would love it!
                                                                  Waiting patiently!!

Daddy got Rainbow!
Adelyn got Grape and Blue Raspberry!
Ella shared with everyone!
And I had Coconut/Cinnamon...I know weird right?? It has been my favorite since I was a is soooo good!!
Adelyn is doing really well in school, she really enjoys it! I am doing better about the teacher. I am going to go in an observe next week to feel more comfortable. Adelyn says she is awesome though so I am feeling much better! She also does centers which I love. We also are enjoying walking to school everyday with our neighbors Jasmine and Allison. Ella loves going on walks, but would love to stay in sissy's room instead! 
Great night!!

August 19th (Ella Bella!!)

                      Today I decided that I need to start doing more with Ella while we have so much time one on one now. So we decided on painting today! She loves to paint and had so much fun!!

                                         Look at this happy girl...Loved her picture!!
Oliver enjoyed watching
Time for so POOL fun with all this heat outside!!

Loving Ella with bangs!

Adelyn didn't want to do swimming but then changed her mind after she saw how much fun Ella was having.

 Tonight Daddy was going to work late so I decided we would get dinner out and enjoy a movie. I had thought of McDonald's since they have $1.99 happy meals right now, but Adelyn wanted Burger King like normal. I did not want Burger King, but after some crying Adelyn settled down and we tried Steak and Shake. Which Adelyn ended up LOVING!!! Sweet...way better than BK and McDonald's!! Adelyn also chose FROZEN for our movie...Ella really enjoyed the movie this time. It was a great night other than the melt I think school is finally catching up to Adelyn. She is super tired lately, but wont fall asleep till bed.
Ella dancing at the end!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 17th (Ella's Hair cut!!)

As you can see in the above picture Ella's bangs are super long and keep getting in her face!! They were driving me crazy!! So I decided I can cut them and save $12 from snip and clip...and I think they turned out just fine! She is so cute!!

Ella's hair!!
I can't believe tomorrow will be school...I miss summer already of not having to run around in the morning. I forgot how much it sucks to get up in the morning and start your day in such a fast paced way!! I do look forward to the weekend now again though. Lol. Glad Adelyn is loving school though!

August 16th (Jeff and Sasha's Wedding Reception/Bowling!!)

Jeff and Sasha's Wedding Reception
 Ella dancing to the music...the DJ played a bunch of 90's hits!!

We headed out this afternoon to Jeff and Sasha's wedding reception at Jeff's parents house. They had a really good DJ. We had burgers, hot dogs and sides. Adelyn stayed at the neighbor's house while we went since she really really didn't want to go. I think Ella enjoyed all of our attention to herself. We then headed home close to 8. We had some friends come over to hang out and then headed up for cosmic bowling! Aunt Lisa came to watch the girls while they slept! 
                                                       Clint, Danny and Nick
                                                                Sarah, Me and Renee

                                                                  Let me take a selfie!!
All of them about to take an apple pie shot!! But not me this time...those messed me up!!
We had so much fun with our friends tonight. I had the high score 174!!! I couldn't believe it, but I wasn't drunk so that helps! Can't wait for us all to hang out again!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 15th (2nd Day of Kindergarten/Friday!!!)

I got Adelyn this horse outfit for a present on the first day of school along with a few other things. She wanted to wear it today, it looked cute with her crown headband! Ella wanted a picture with her big sissy!
Well today we drove to school and got in a lot smoother than yesterday, not as many parents taking there kids to class!
I was not feeling well about the teacher again. She isn't what I wanted for my daughter and she isn't very good at telling the kids directions to start the day off. I was having so much anxiety that I had to do something. I made a meeting with the teacher this afternoon and cried my eyes out!! 
I didn't know I would be this emotional about my daughters teacher, but she is not the type of teacher I thought would be a kindergarten teacher. So I talked things out with him, which the principal is amazing. I am going to go talk with the teacher, he is going to talk with the teacher and I am going to observe her teaching next week. Then I will meet back with him and have another meeting over how I am feeling!
I am hoping things get better, but we shall see!

August 14th (1st Day of KINDERGARTEN!!!)

Not wanting her picture in the morning, but I made pancakes for her!! lol
            She wanted to be a vet last year and still this year!!

She is showing her nails!!

                                                                       Sister picture!!

                                                        Me with my big Kindergartner!!!

                                         We walked to school today with our neighbors!!
                   We found Jordan ready for his first day of 1st grade!! With his justin beiber hair!!

Ms. Hickam!
Ready for her first day!! She is so excited, she said she was a little scared to go all day to school!!
I still had some reservations about the teacher, she just isn't what I expected!
After school Allison, Ella and I picked up Jasmine and Adelyn from school and took them for some Cherry Berry!! Kara, Peyton and Kelsey also met us there. I think I was more!
                                     Adelyn was not happy in this picture..."No pictures MOM!!"
                                               I think someone was a little tired from school.

                                                      Love the picture above of all the kids!!
I was so excited that they had white chocolate, may favorite. So Ella and I shared cookie in cream and white chocolate. Adelyn got cookie and cream and chocolate with lots of toppings! The kids were so happy!
Then we headed home and the kids played and played outside!