Sunday, June 20, 2021

June 13th (Loader Ride/CBR Pool Party)

Ella finally got to go for a ride with Daddy in the loader he rented.
Is she happy or what??

Nick worked at neighbors house all day.
Then we finally got to have the CBR Pool Party that we sent invites for a few days before school was out.
Three families were able to join us!! Yay.
Ella was sooo sooo excited.
On this hot day swimming is feeling wonderful.

Aaron from CBR.
Ella and Lily!

Flowers that Brighten's mom brought me to thank me for the invite! How sweet and they are gorgeous!!
The families had a blast and didn't want to leave today!! Ha. They ended up staying an hour longer until I kicked them all out! Ella was so happy to see all her friends and all the mom's were able to catch up with each other! Mom night hopefully coming soon without kids! Ha.


June 12th (Bye Bye Joe & Sarah's Deck/Volleyball Game/Parents House-Sushi)

Roy, Nick's buddy taking down Joe and Sarah's deck then Nick got home to help with the loader!

Super safe of Roy on top of the bucket of the loader!

The girls and I left to go take Addie to a 12:20 v ball game. And it's super super hot!! 

We told Erika to come over and swim after since they were at the game also!

After swimming we headed over to my parents with Saki Sushi for dinner!
I think we got enough food??!! Wow that's a lot!! Yummy!
Then Nick and Ella went swimming.
Nick 1st attempt at a flip....haha.

There he goes!!
Nice job!

We found these sunglasses someone left at my parents house. They were huge! So we took a pic together.
Best one babe!! Way to go!!
Great night at my parents. Nice to go relax together, Nick has been working a lot lately.


June 11th (Fry Friday/Swimming Playdate/New Bag)

Fry Friday and coke slushies after Swim team today!
Then we had friends over to swim at 1 pm.
Ella had a huge fry!!
Having fun!
Pass bluey around!

I got to get some sun today which was nice!

I got my new "dry bag" in the mail today!! Yay this thing keeps all your stuff dry when it goes into the water and will float to the top of the water. I got it for the lake when we go a lot and for our upcoming trip!! So excited because it is glittery!