Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 7th (Olathe Lake Splash Area w/ Simmon's Girls)

Olathe Lake Splash Area
This place is so cool!!
Natural creek, sand area and splash fountain area. Wow Olathe stepping it up!

Ella didn't want to get in the picture.

 Another hot day today, luckily they get to get in the water and its shady for Erica and I!

Look at this adorable picture!!

Love hanging with this girl!!
 So pretty here.

Lots of water falls!

 BIG waterfall!! Can't play in it though.
 Happy girl!

Splash fountain area.
 Sand castle time.

Look what they made. Great job.

 They are getting to big!! Wahhhhhh!

 We found the park I saw when we came for Mother's Day.
Ella was having a hard time with the netting and got upset! We were all hot and hungry by this time, so it didn't help! She got un mad at me and finally ate lunch. Then we found this other area to play in!!

 Building fun.

 The day camp cleared out so we got to go in the hide out area!!

 Under a huge was like a natural tent.

We left and headed to Erica's neighborhood pool to swim.
 The girls got a ride from Erica while I drove my car to the pool!

Selfie with Erica!!
 Ready to swim and cool off!!
Great time!!
We were together all day and it never seems like enough!
Can't wait till next week to see them again.

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