Thursday, July 11, 2019

June 28th (Blueberry Picking with the Simmon's girls!)

Here we go all together in Erica's car!
The Berry Patch...7th year in a row for the Benton's!!!
It's a hot one this year.
Thanks for the chai tea girl!
Dinosaur picture time.

Fewww a close patch....yes!

These girls are doing great.
(Super hot at this point!)
Group shot.

Erica's neighbors were there also! 5 girls for us and 5 boys for them.

Lots of blueberries.
Lets head to the shack for some blueberry lemonade...our favorite!
The fan feels amazing.

Enjoying this refreshing lemonade!!

Secret handshake for these two.

We are all still super hot. Someone mentioned our pool so Erica and I said lets go!
We brought our sack lunches and ate inside my house!! Way better then in the heat.
 Caught Ella jumping

 Go Emee.

 Aubree's turn.
 And Bridget!!
 I love the facial expressions.
 Cannon Ball!!

 Lookin good Ella.
 Sassy Aubree posing for her mama! Ha.
 Cannon ball for Aubree.

 Bridget and Addie in their own little world!!

 Popsicle break time!!
 Well the girls would have swam ALL day but Erica had to get going to meet her parents in Lawrence.
I couldn't get Ella out for anything! I think she likes swimming around by herself sometimes.
 Naughty girl.

Happy little girl all by herself!
Pizza night after this fun filled long day!!
Ella being silly.

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