Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 6th (OKC-Science Museum, OKC Bombing Memorial, Myriad Botanical Gardens)

Oklahoma City Science Museum

 The most amazing part is that we got in for FREE because we have a science city pass!! Whoop Whoop.

 Weird stuff...two headed calf!

Lets go have some fun....this place is gigantic!!!!

 Making cars with wheels to go in the 1/2 pipe.

Happy girl!
 Musical instruments. Ella loves this area.

 This was a HUGE tube/play area.
 This house was awesome!! It was could barely walk in here...Ella loved it!

They are going up in the tubes...Daddy went along as well.

 Nick came down and the girls went across the netting!

Weeee Ella.

We all stood on the scale and weighed in around this amount!!

 Tight rope walking!! This was fun! I did the best...haha. I guess I have better balance.
 Nick trying a different way.
I got almost all the way across...I think if I had tennis shoes on it would be better.

Ella's skeleton she is moving.

Nick's turn.
With his muscles.
 Cave of water!
 This place was cool.

 This was super cool. You could make the water do different things with a button!
Using vibrations it would make the streams change.

 Animatronic dinosaurs!! So cool.

 Next up segway??!! Hmm this looks interesting.
 Good job Adelyn.

Nick's turn.

I took video of both of them also.
 Look at this place...awesomeness.
Mirror maze.
Weather area.
Cloud making! 

 News reporter!!

 Wow great job Adelyn.

 They got to go inside this part of the space ship and it moves you up and down!! The guy talks to you and it vibrates Adelyn said! Neat.

 They are blasting off.

 It was almost 2 pm when we left the science museum. We got there around 10. So we were all starving at this point...lets go grab some lunch. We hit up Bricktown Brewery in Bricktown!! This place has a canal like San Antonio!! Very cool place.

 After a yummy lunch we walked the canal to check out the sights.

 Water taxi
 Its pretty hot out today!!

 Waterfall along the way. The canal goes on for awhile...we opted to not walk the whole thing.
Time to the next stop...OKC Bombing Memorial.

 I was pretty young when this bombing happened. So Nick and I don't remember too much of the details but knew lots of men, women and children died. So sad.
(Side Note: Adelyn started getting more sassy and whinny...started to ruin our day!! Ugh!!)
 The Memorial they made was very beautiful and serene!!
 The chairs represent each person that died!
 The museum.We didn't do museum since it was a little pricey for all us to go into it. It was nice to see this place though!
Last up of activities is the Myraid Botanical Gardens!! We didn't go inside actually big green house because it was closing soon but they had lots to do outside for kids! Beautiful place to visit.
Kids play ground with unique climbing things.

Nick had to try.
(Side Note: This is where Adelyn was complaining about going to. All this cool kid stuff and she didn't want to go!!)

I told the girls it looked like they were in a circus balancing on balls!
 Ella loved this merry go round!

We headed to the splash pad right next to the playground. This was amazing!! I love splash pads that don't look like splash pads...this was like a piece of art.

This building is huge!!

 Super tan Ella.

Love this picture.
They were waiting for the water to turn on.

 Nick and I got to just sit and relax while the girls played!
 We got the girls all dried and we decided to walk around to check out the gardens around!!

 Baby ducks!! How sweet.
 They weren't scared of us at all.

 Pretty mama duck right by them!
 We found a pretty waterfall walking the trails.

 This is OKC street car...but it costs like $15 for a pass all day! Ha...KC is free...hopefully it stays that way.
 Another splash are. They couldn't get too wet since they were almost dry.

 We saw some wedding pictures getting taken!! We also saw family pictures, singles pictures...great place to go.

Another waterfall.

 Pretty flowers everywhere!

Gorgeous Place.

 Getting hungry again. Time to go eat some pizza at Empire Pizza. I looked this place up before! NYC style. Only about 10 minutes away.
 We hit up the hipster Plaza District for the pizza. They have a restuarant but then whats cool is they have a pizza slice house next door!! We opted for that so we didn't have to wait as long. We each got our own big slice!!

 Mine was just tomato, basil and mozzarella...yummy!
I had told Nick about this Roxy Ice Cream and Pie place. Well to our surprise it was on the same street as the pizza place! Wow that was lucky.
 Roxy's to start!
Adelyn got cookies n cream. Nick, Ella and I got two sundaes to share!! Yummy!
We walked down a little further and found Pie Junkie!!
This store only makes pie!! Yummy. I thought it was fun...we don't have anything like this is KC!
 They were big pieces and super nice at the store. I got coconut cream, which ended up being buy 1 get 1, Nick got peanut butter/chocolate, and Adelyn got Smore's. Ella got to share with us. We took back to hotel since we were all full.
Sunset on our way to hotel.
We all ate 1/2 of these slices!! 
It we lived closer this wouldn't be good for me.
So yummy!
Well throughout the day it was rough at times with Adelyn but our night ended really well.
One more 1/2 day in OKC then headed to Tulsa to stay with the McClosey clan!!

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