Thursday, July 11, 2019

June 29th (Dana's 40th Birthday Party at the Levee!!)

We dropped the kids off at my parents at 5 then hit the road to BRGR...Nicks 1st time.
Yummy Yummy!
We got picked up from Lizzie, Brent and Erin.
At the Levee we had a private room, patio and open bar for 3 hours!! WoW!!
Ruth, Pamela and Erin.
Nick, Me, Lizzie and Brent.
Me and Eva!
Sarah and Ruth.

Rob, Matt, Dave, Brent, Zack and Nick.
Dana birthday girl and her husband Neil!
Making a little speech and singing her happy birthday!
Bekah and I.

 Is Bekah kissing Dana??? Hahaha. She was a little toasted by this time?
 Everyone that game in the momsquad shot!!
Time to head home with Rob and Eva. 
I was just tired and didn't drink much since I didn't want to feel bad in the morning.
Fun night out with friends! Thanks Dana and Happy Birthday!!

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