Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 7th (OKC-Ferris Wheel/Whataburger/Tulsa-Safari Joes/Los Cabos)

Wheeler District
Waiting in hot hot heat today to do the ferris wheel.

 Cool sign!!
 Hammocks everywhere to lay in.

The place is right by the river!
I think this will eventually grow bigger.

 They had free games set up but it was toooooo hotttt!!!
Time to go up on the Ferris Wheel! Wahoo.
Ella was scared but still liked it??!! Ha.
 This Ferris Wheel came from the Santa Monica Pier in 2008. They put money into it and got it going again in OKC. Cool. We have been on the New Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica also.
 Great View.

 Family Photo!
 Lets get out of here and hit the hot!! We settled on Whataburger since we have only been to one ever! And we saw the official Dallas Cowboys bus!! We didn't see any players but pretty cool.

Time to get back on the road and head to Safari Joe's Water park in Tulsa and meet our friends!! Wahoo...we all need to cool off for sure.

Reunited and it feels sooooo goood!! Ha.

Happy girls to be back together again!!
(Side Note: April and I ran to each other also!)
We got in FREE on their pass that they got for FREE from church! Double Awesome.
This is our girls first time at an official water park!! Yay!

Oh and they have animals.

 This place is perfect...not to big but has awesome slides. I didn't get a lot of pictures since I was partaking in all the fun as well! Lol.
 Wave pool.

Ella was excited but got a little nervous.

Me and my April!! Missed her so much.

Time to hit the big slides!!
Well we did it!
We were here from 3 pm till 6 pm when they closed!
This place is awesome....the water slides were great.
They opened the middle sized ones so Ella got to do them...7 times!! Wow.
 Ella opted out of group photo! I think someone is hungry and tired.

We headed back to their house to wash off and change. Grant home at 7, so we headed up to Los Cabos for some Mexican dinner!
 Los Cabos is right on the river! Beautiful view driving there.

Ella with her favorite person, Grant.

Sweet friends.
 This place is great...we sat outside in the shade with a live band! They played everything from Sesame street, Nirvana, Tom Petty, Rap...the girls would get up and dance while we waited for food!! Perfect spot!

 Great fun and friends!

We paid and decided to walk around the little outdoor area with stores and restaurants.
Most stuff was closed since it was like 8:30 by now. But I liked the area a lot.

We took the kids to a place like top golf to run around outside while we chatted in some chairs! They found about 12 golf balls in the bushes. Ha. Great night!
Time to hit the hay for the girls. They went straight to sleep at 10/10:30.
April and I stayed up till 1 am talking!! Oh I may regret that in the morning.

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