Thursday, July 11, 2019

June 30th (Longest Worst Day EVER...well at least in my top 10! ha)

So this morning we got to sleep in which was the best part of the day.
My mom brought the girls over around 10:30 and Nick had left earlier to go to Jeff's to help him with his kitchen.
I started to notice the house feeling warmer than normal.
Well come to find out our a/c was out on a super hot heat wave going on!!
Nick tried looking at it but couldn't get it going.
So we left to drive to almost Lawrence as a family to get him a truck with working a/c since his other trucks went out. We ended up staying at this farm with the family for an hour and a half. (It's a guy from his works parents) They were super nice and gave us lemonade, but we were exhausted and needed to get home to the a/c!
Well we finally get home and Jeff meets us to look at the a/c.
Our house is 83 at this point!!
He figures out what part we need but can't find it online.
Nick finally realizes that his cousin is the heating and cooling guy and he had the part at his house in Pleasant Hill where we are headed to get fireworks anyways!
(This whole time nick said who cares about the a/c lets get Fireworks...that's what really matters!! Oh geez!)
 We all leave finally around 4 pm to go get fireworks. The girls were not so much....worrying about the a/c!!

Picking out little things!
Then we went in with my brother, his friend Zack, and my parents for the Godfather again!!
Jeff was going to then backed out!
 Stephen was with us all day also through all this crazy mess! Sorry Stephen not the most fun day.
After fireworks we got the part down the street from Nick's cousin...finally around 6:30 we headed to go eat somewhere on our way home. We wanted Jack Stack but too crowded...Margaritta's in Martin City it is!! We waited a bit but got chips and Salsa. Eating finally at 7:15...way to late for us!! Kids were tired especially Max at this time.
We headed to our house...Jeff fixed the a/c!! Wahooo.
Got the kids to bed since they woke up early at Grandma and Grandpas' still wasn't till 9 or later!
Ugh this was a terrible, horrible, no good day forsure!!

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