Friday, July 19, 2019

July 13th (Family Swimming Fun!)

Playing with Ella Bella!
Swimming Fun!!
Lisa, Brennen, Aubree, Gage, Jeff, Max and Robbie came over for Dinner and Swimming.

 Jeff and Max enjoying some fun!! Sasha didn't feel well so she stayed home.

 Look at that cutie!!

Precious Blue eyed baby!!

My hot hubby grilling in the hot sun...burgers, brats, hot dogs, broccoli!

 Ella loves Brennen's girlfriend Aubree!

 Craig showed up also. Nice to see him.

I LOOOOVVVVEEEE this adorable picture of these two!
Baby Pierce stopped bye!
He turns 1 tomorrow!
 Auntie Lisa got a ride home from Robbie on his new harley!! maybe in the air!!
Great night with friends and family.
Now time to go inside and relax on the couch...I am exhausted from entertaining! ha.

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