Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 25th (Ella Day!!)

Momsquad song came on today!!Whoop Whoop.

Soooo um 90210 is coming back on tv...August 7th!! I am so excited that I am having a party...SAY WHAT!!!
Ella and I got some things done and then hit the road for a park!
Bentwood Elementary has a fun playground.

Happy girl having fun spinning.
Well Ella had an accident so we ran home before heading to her PT appt at Childrens Mercy.
She did great at her first evaluation for PT and we will be going back every week for the next few weeks to see if it will help with her legs turning in while she walks.
Ella and I went home to hang out and make dinner.
Daddy got home we ate then headed out to surprise Ella with Deanna Rose!!
The picture below is Ella closing her eyes to be surprised about where we are going.
(She is just too cute)
She was so excited to go see the animals with her mommy and daddy!

Ella wanted to see the cows....the baby calves were so pretty.
Then low and behold they walked right over to us for us to pet them, while they probably thought we had food.
Oh it was so precious!!

Looking at ponies.
Tonight was gorgeous out...I mean perfect weather!

Time to swing.

Bobcats are out on this nice night out.

Funny chicken.
Playground fun.
Ella got to pick out some ice cream here....mint chocolate chip...that's my girl!
She was in heaven.

So pretty out!!
The best is it was free tonight after 2 pm and is open till 6 pm!
Great night with just Ella! I think she really enjoyed just being with her Daddy and Mommy.
Love this shot!!

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