Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 24th (The McCloskey Girls Are Here/Swim Party @ Our House!!)

Inside the car picture from April M!!
 Running out to see our friends!

 Everyone is so happy to see Kenna and Taylor!!

These two love each other!

Noah with the double squirt guns...watch out.

 Taylor relaxing.
 Taylor on her throne telling everyone what to do!! Haha!

 Adelyn, Daphne, Kenna, Violet, Lauren and Taylor.
 Eli and Trey.

 Squirt gun war.

 Jake telling the boys what to do! Ha.
 Super sweet!
 Snack time.
 Pamela, Lizzie, Ruth, Sarah, and Carrie.

Ruth made April a birthday cake!
She turned 40 in March but we couldn't all celebrate together.
 Treats! Brownies, Fruit pizza and Lemon bundt cake.

 Kaitlyn, Ella, Carder, Emma, Noah, Daphne, Taylor, Adelyn, Lauren, Kenna, Violet, Tucker, Eli, Trey and Jake!! Love getting pictures of all the kids together.

 Jumping in.

 One more time.
 Still couldn't get a good one. Oh well.
 April got this shot up above!! I like this one!!
April took this one also...behind the scene of all the moms...hahahha!
 Love this girl!! Miss her all the time.
 Hagan street Girls!! This is us using our Hagan Gang Sign...we don't know what we are doing..haha.

 All the mom's together!! Love these ladies!!
Sarah, Me, Ruth, Pamela, April M. Lizzie, Carrie, Bekah and April T.
So Noah and Ruth had this punch of prize and we were supposed to do this at the beginning of summer but we forgot to do it!! Well today is the day.
 Jake with a kick...hmmm.
 April T.
 April M.
 Me...I got a vodka mini bottle! Don't worry there were specific colors for adults! Ha.
Ella got Reeses!!

 Taylor hiding from me.
 Love Kenna's smile here.
Stacy take our picture...said Violet.

The 3 amigas back together again!!
Yay for fun summer pool parties!!
We sure miss our friends!!
On to camp tomorrow for Addie.

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