Tuesday, July 23, 2019

July 14th (Pierce's Birthday/Grandpa A.D.'s 86th b-day @ Margarittas)

We stopped by to say hi and wish Pierce a happy birthday!! We are already going to my Grandpa's birthday dinner tonight! Pierce is just too cute.
What a sweet baby!

Margartitta's 4 pm for Grandpa A.D.'s 86th Birthday!!
We sang Happy Birthday while Grandpa did his usual weird yell at the end! Ha.
Around 20 of us came tonight...it was great seeing family.
Ryan, Cousin Keri and Uncle Dan
Keri took a bunch of photos of Nick and I....and wouldn't stop!! Haha.

Okay give me back my camera now!!
After we ate we stopped bye Uncle Jeff's to help him move up cabinets.
Adelyn looked so pretty tonight in her new skirt...had to grab a picture!
Great night with Family!

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