Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 23rd (Science City/Donutology with Simmon's Girls)

 Here we go to science city all together again!!
These girls are super excited.
We have a pass so we got everyone in for Free!!
Aubree's first time ever!!
Lets do this girl!!

Headed straight to the Sky Bike...Emerson's first time...she is tall enough!
Ella and Aubree...too little!
 She is a pro!

 Emerson only went 1/2 way! Ha. She said she was least she still did it! Great job.
Bridget did it also!

Ella telling everyone to come check out the bathroom....she wanted them to all get scared! Ha.
The new area...pretty cool.

How long can you hang for??


Surfing the croocodile!!
Time to head outside to the playground!

Adelyn with a push from me to go faster.
Here goes Ella with a little help from me.

Happy girl.

Love that smile!
Erica had to do it too! Hahahha.

Back inside we go!

Water time.

We had so much fun in Science city.
We headed out to Union Station to eat our sack lunches! Yay!
Then onto the Street Car...Simmon's girls first time!!
 We got here just in time.

 Everyone enjoyed the street car!
We got back to the car to head to Donutology!! Wahoo!

Simmon's girls 1st time here also!! Wahoo...lots of firsts today! smells sooo good in here.

My three I picked out!! 
They are so fresh and delicious!

Great day with friends!!
Sad that the summer is almost over with these friends since Erica goes back to school soon.

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