Saturday, April 4, 2020

March 29th (Funday Sunday)

First thing this morning Ella wanted to go sit in the sun!!
She does this everyday when it is nice out...guess she needs some vitamin D! Ha.
Lunch time she wanted to eat down here by herself at the picnic table!

Adelyn opted to eat by herself on the porch but it is colder in the shade so she moved to the sun down by Ella.
Addie's lunch.

 Time for some arrow shooting at the tree! Adelyn played most of the morning/early afternoon in the front yard while Nick did some work on the driveway. (Power get ready to seal it)

After Nick got some work done with the yard we headed out for a family long walk without Mayva since we were going on the trail. 
Today was even nicer out then yesterday!! Loving this weather.

Found a pretty duck along the way.

Ella can't walk that far and doesn't need to burn all the calories so in the wagon she goes.
Kicking the ball around.

Nick working on a place to put our garbage cans!
Healthy snack for me and a little break from the kids to watch a show in my room!!
(I am missing some time to myself lately!)
 After dinner we made a bonfire to make some smore's!! Yummy...the girls were excited!
 Enjoying the fire!
Holding precious!

Warming her hands.

 Roasting their marshmallows.
 My happy self isolating family!
 Gotta love that smile.
Nick made his with a reeses egg in the middle!
Ella just enjoys marshmellows!
Great day at home as a family...nice to get out on the trail for a good walk on this nice day!

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