Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 7th (RP Instagram/School/Zoom/Fighting/Shaving Cream Art/More Pegasus'/Onion Rings)

Look who made the Regency Place Instagram Page!!
Making slime and learning from us! Ha.

Our friends Ewan and Porter got their pictures on also.
Ella did her school work and then we printed out a Curious George Coloring sheet.
Nice and warm today. Ella was out the door after changing with her Blue Monkey! 
Backyard adventure.

Zoom chat with her class!
After this the fighting started!! Ugh. 
I was like," time to go for a walk"...of course Adelyn didn't want to but I made her.
She complained the whole time...we were gone about 20 minutes maybe.

So these blocks are huge and can hurt if you bump them or get hit with one. Well the girls kept fighting about what animals can go in the house. Then Ella ended up throwing one and it hit Addie. That was my breaking point. I yelled at both to go to their rooms! Worst day yet with Corona!
 Adelyn kept making more Pegasus' through the day.
They came downstairs and I decided we weren't going to do the science experiment we were supposed to do since they were misbehaving!
But I allowed them to do shaving cream art to make Easter Eggs!
Paint on shaving cream then you put down paper to make swirly art for an Easter Egg.
Ella really wanted to just play. But I told her she could after the picture.

This kept them entertained for about 30 minutes.
I got some stuff done in the kitchen, without any fighting!! Yes!!

I will cut out the egg shape after it dries tomorrow.

Oh wow!! That is a huge mess.
Soaking onions in buttermilk to make onion rings for dinner.
I have been having cravings for different foods we eat out sometimes!
 The big blocks were put away and the less hurting blocks came out to make a house for the Pegasus'.
 Wow this is taking a lot longer than I thought!
Dip in seasoned flour, then egg and buttermilk, then panko bread crumbs!! Then I stuck in the fridge to set the flour and panko.
I was running around grilling brats and making onion rings since Nick was still at work.
 These look and smell soooooo yummy!!!
Adelyn made wings for every horse we own!! That is a lot of wings!! Hahaha.

Finished product!!
Addie and Nick both said they were one of the best onion rings they have ever had!
 Wow that is an amazing compliment!! Thanks.
It makes it all worth it with compliments like that! 
Soooo much cooking and cleaning going around this house lately. LOL
I will say we have been saving lots of money, not eating out. Bonus!
After dinner around 7 I snuck out down to my friend Ruth's house to sit in her driveway for a little bit!! We caught up and enjoyed a drink! We both really needed this, she had a hard day also!

I went home around 8:30 supposed to be a pink moon tonight. 
I never saw pink but it was big and bright.
I got the girls to bed around 9 and then enjoyed some tv time by myself! 
Nick played darts with his online league!!

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