Friday, April 3, 2020

March 26th (Homeschooling Day 3-Learning/Rock Art & Delivery/Water Balloons/Charades w/Noah)

This morning we did some learning with math sheets and reading.
Then Addie wanted to make more painted rocks, so I suggested make them for all our friend groups kids! She thought this was a great idea!!
It was really nice out again today. Yay for nice weather.

It was nice enough finally for Ella to do water table!!
She was excited...I was too so it would be a great way to entertain her.

Opened up the furniture to sit on outside while it was nice also.
We ate lunch after I cleaned up the kitchen. We let Adelyn's rock dry then it was time to hit the road to deliver a special rock for each kid in the group!!
Very thoughtful...and we thought of things each person would like!
It was nice to drive around and get out of the house for a little bit.
We got home and the girls wanted to do water balloons on this hot day!

Adelyn was really nailing!! 
Lets not do that anymore...hahaha.

Getting herself wet.

She said it looked like an icicle! 
Happy girl with her water balloon.

Squirting and popping on her head.

Getting her sisters feet.

Those fast blow up water balloons are the best!! So easy.

I came inside and saw Oliver just taking a nap on the deck. Lets trade places...PLEASE!!

Mayva is also.
After a snack Ruth and Noah came up to play charades...but we were far apart!
Addie and Noah liked it. It was fun to see them act out.

Ella playing in the yard while they acted out!
Great day and this weather makes it even better!!

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