Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 8th (School/Bank/Visiting Grandparents/Water Fun/82 Degree Day)

 She loves doing school! Ha.
 Reading books with Ella outside...but it actually got to hot with the sun so we moved inside!
That sun is hot already before noon.
We left the house around 11 to put checks in the bank through the drive thru then ventured over to my parents to have a social distance chat!
 Adelyn didn't want to leave the house...say what?? You haven't gone anywhere barely!
I made her come and she enjoyed it!
Red fire hydrant for my work scavenger hunt.
I brought the girls scooter and blue car to play on the driveway while my mom and I chatted!

 We were there about 45 minutes or so. Great catching up and seeing her in person.
Scavenger hunt...pic of cars in a drive thru!
We got home and ate a late lunch. 
Then the girls got their swimsuits on to hit some water play on this hot 80 degree day!

Happy girls!!
Cold cold water!

Adelyn had a Barbie spa going on.
She got done came up got changed, then sat outside on the deck with me to color her squishamllow coloring page!
I got to blog and Shutterfly a little bit while Ella played in the water more.
Around 3:30 is when I allow the girls to watch tv or play tablet!
Then I got upstairs, have a snack and watch a show of my own....I need a break each day to be the best mom I can be! Ha.
And today I needed a coke!!

 Grilling potatoes and onions, with chicken for dinner! Yummy! Nick is working a little later tonight.
Ella playing outside....she loves to be outside!!
Running around and having fun!
Took a shower and found this super fun coronavirus snapchat!! ha. So weird!!
Painted my toenails tonight for myself and for my work scavenger hunt! 
Now we just need to keep this warm weather...I am ready for summer fun.

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