Friday, April 24, 2020

April 17th (School/Erasers/Daddy's shirt/Zoom/Movie Night)

Online learning for Ella while Addie works on a math sheet.
The girls were upstairs playing with all of Addie's erasers while I cleaned the kitchen.
 They sorted them all out and put into ziplock bags.
Daddy came home for a minute and Ella got to wear one of Daddy's new shirts!
Then he was off for a side job.
(Nick has been working his regular job and side jobs...hasn't been here much!)
 Ella taking our orders and bringing us pretend food!
We ordered chocolate milk shakes but she gave us ice cream instead. Lol.
Adelyn on Zoom today got a special visitor...Slugger!
(I don't know if the 5th graders were that excited?? haha)
 HBO on Amazon Prime Video has released some free movies and shows. So we watched Lego Movie 2 and had real chocolate milk shakes!

They were in heaven with the whipping cream on top!
After I got the girls to bed Oliver decided to cuddle up with me while I watched BIG LITTLE LIES on HBO Amazon Prime....oh my gosh it is soooooo GOOD!!!

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