Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 2nd (School/New Bike/Zoom)

School is going well.
Reading outside again! Fun!
Practicing her drum.
Ella's turn for learning on the computer.

Today we got online and finally found Addie a new bike at Walmart. I got her a cheaper one since she will probably need a 26 inch in a couple years. It said we could pick it up today but that changed to April 28th...bummer. 
Guess its better than her birthday in May!
So going out to the store we may need to start wearing a mask. 
I asked my friend Eva to sew me one since she was making some and I can't sew for anything!
Addie's class has zoom now Tuesday and Fridays. But today is Bria's birthday so they jumped on to sing to her and tell her happy birthday.
Look at this handsome man of mine!! He looks like such a panther! Ha.

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