Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 4th (Kinetic Sand/Making Bunnies/Big Block Houses/Flautas/Addies Bed)

Kinetic sand fun today!

I told Addie about these cute rabbit sock guys I saw on Pinterest.
So we decided to make one for her and Ella. She did most of the work.

Super cute!
Ella wanted a blue belly on hers.
They played with their bunnies for awhile.
My new mask from my friend Eva.
The girls made a home for their bunnies.
Then decided making two separate would be better!
(Helps with fighting also...Ha)

Now a long hotel with a kitchen with food.

Another creation!
So many fun things you can do with blocks.
Chicken Flautas for dinner!! Yum-o!
Wow look at all the animals on Adelyn's bed right now!!
She made up her bed with clean sheets and then put stuffed animals back on, well more than normal.
(Update: She counted a few days later 114 to be exact!)

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