Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 10th (Egged/Zoom times 2/Chicken Enchiladas)

We got "Egged" again!!
This time with Eggs in the grass...from our friends the Haag's! Yay.
The girls were excited to find eggs in the yard.

Candy!! Yummy!
10 am Ella has Zoom with her CBR class! She was so excited to see everyone.

Ella was so happy to see everyone!
Ella got to practice after her sister!
I think Ella might be able to do this when she is in 5th grade. She is pretty good.
Time to go "egg" two of our friends.
The Haag's and the Chan's!
Zoom for Addie at 2 pm with her class. They played a fun game online!
I love her teacher!!
 Ella relaxing in her spot!
White chicken enchiladas for dinner tonight! Yummy!
Good Friday...well actually it is "Good Friday" today!
We are excited for Easter!!

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