Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 1st (School/April Fool's Joke/Water Play/Craft)

Walmart's are changing things in Canada...only a matter of time for USA!
Sooo nice out today!
 Doing school work!

Ella opted to read outside on this nice day.
Our fake lego box with candy all wrapped up and ready to deliver to our friend Noah!!
He has a million legos so we thought this would be hilarious April Fools Joke!!
They have a ring doorbell so Addie was sneaky with a sneaky outfit on so they wouldn't see her from the side!! Haha.
Ruth took this picture of Noah before he opened it...he thought it was a real set!! Ha.
And we fooled him....good!!!
Ruth thought it was hilarious!!
 Playing with bubbles in her water her baby doll.

Adelyn wanted to make this octopus craft we saw on Pinterest, but really I had to make it!
Not thrilled...wanted to be doing my fridge clean off!!
She finished the rest!
 Ella got quiet found her playing in the gross water and leaves! Ugh.
I yelled don't go in it!!
Cutie wanted to send her friend Lily a picture of herself in her Unicorn jammies. Unicorns are Lily's favorite animal.
She also wanted to take a picture with the puppy her para Heather gave her for her birthday. I sent her the picture and to tell her Ella misses her!!
I think she is missing school....she loves her helpers, friends and teacher!

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