Tuesday, August 2, 2022

June 29th (World's of Fun with Ruth and Noah-Adelyn's 1st Time)

Here we go, time for Adelyn's 1st time at World's of Fun!!
I haven't been here since my early 20's with Nick.
Still looks the same around here! Very nostalgic! Love it!

1st Ride the Patriot, upside down right away. Wasn't the best for me. Lol.
Noah and Addie ready to spin around.
I used to love this ride as a kid, now I can't even look at it while it goes around.
I love this ride still! Even though the water is yuckier than normal.
The trees are so tall here now.

Hanging out while kids go on spinning rides!
Zulu was open. It has been here since the 80's. Ruth rode with Adelyn.
Not for me, upside down and spinning!
I used to love it back in the day!!
Ruth decided she didn't like it anymore, ha.

There they go.

Enjoying time with my oldest.
Cool bush animals.
Mamba Time! After Mamba I was feeling yucky! So we headed to Ocean's of Fun to relax and cool off!!

(Adelyn and I went on the Boomerang before this and I knew I shouldn't so it made my stomach flip)

World's of fun wasn't very crowded which was nice. Ocean's of fun was a little more crowded but not bad. Noah and Addie went to wait in line for some water slides. Ruth and I found a spot near the main pool to sit in the shade!
Well after awhile the kids finally found us and said they didn't go on waterslides. Then they wandered around not being able to find us. Oh geez! Then they went to the wave pool. We went to find them and couldn't. Finally found them in lazy river! Ha. Luckily they are older and had each other.

So we left Ocean's of Fun and started to head to the Monsoon. The kids went on it and we walked towards World's of Fun. 
Next thing I know Adelyn said, "I think I am bleeding!" Oh crap she started her period!! It was so embarrassing for her but I covered her the best I could and got her to the closets bathroom. I asked multiple people for pads or tampons. Finally got one and we got her cleaned up. Poor thing, luckily Noah didn't notice! 
Time to hit a few more rides before we have to go home and pick up Ella from my Mom's!
My favorite ride, Timber Wolf!!
We all went on it together. Still my fav!
So cool to experience these rides with my 13 year old, just like I used to go as a kid a lot!!

The spinning dragons was going to take to long so they all went on the Patriot again. I passed with the upside down part! My tummy is still a little queasy!!
There they are.
We hit up a bunch of traffic on the way home, 2 accidents. 
We took home Noah and Ruth. 
Headed to my parents a little late after 7 pm. 
Grabbed dinner, Chinese!! Yummy!
Great day with some awesome friends!!
Adelyn had a blast!!


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