Thursday, August 11, 2022

July 4th (Happy 4th of July-Parents House)

(So Nick and I got in a huge fight yesterday. Today is a new day and we are getting along and that is all that matters! Having a tough time in our marriage right now! Not always what you want to remember but I like to have references from when things happen in our lives good or bad!!)
I made yummy Texas sheet cake to take to my mom's later today.
Nick found these for me!!
We headed over to my parents house around 3 or so to enjoy 4th of July!!
Ella playing right away.
Time to swim!
Adelyn in the pool by herself!!
More people swimming now!!
Ella with cousin Keri!

I went and picked up dominoes!
(One pour lady was by herself at Dominoes making all the pizzas, no other workers! We gave her a nice tip!)
I think we got enough pizza!!
And don't forget the salad Maggie made!
It was yummy and healthy!
My brothers friend Adam is here with his wife and 2 kids! His wife is so nice and originally from China! Their kids are adorable.
Bags with Adelyn as my partner vs. Zac and Nick.

Everyone is having fun!!

30 parachutes being shot off to catch!

Sasha enjoying the fireworks with Theo.
Max having fun with his Dad setting off some kid fireworks.
My girls! Ella was excited to do the My Little Pony Firework!
Keaton having fun, Jake isn't a big fan of fireworks I guess. Lol.

Getting ready for the big fireworks!
Adam and his daughter!
Sword time. She looked a little nervous so I helped out.

Lady bugs are the best!
Giant green smoke bomb!

Max and Jeff.
Me and my cousin Keri!!
Homemade ice cream and treats time!

Me and my mom.

There where soooo many fireworks this year!!
And big and beautiful!!

Feeding my hubby ice cream!

So pretty lighting up the sky!

Pretty fireworks!!
Sophia and Ella enjoying the sights.

Wow that's a lot of fireworks!!

Little kids camped out near the house now!
Nick doing the last firework!
Well we got done doing fireworks and cleaned it all up, well the big stuff.
Then I took Max and Jeff home since Theo ended up having a fever and went home sooner with Sasha. We left around 10:15 to go home. Nick got a ride from Zack. 
Wow that was a lot of fireworks and fun!!
Happy 4th of July!!


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