Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 6th (Day 2-Lake of the Ozarks/Margaritaville/Lyon's Boat Ride/Pizza Lunch/Going Home)

I ran and got everyone breakfast this morning at McDonald's. 
We headed down to watch Nick play for about 20 mins then Ella was ready to do something!

Nick with some of his team members.
I got us all in our swimsuits and packed up some stuff to head to Margaritaville with Lisa.
We had to park at the very top of the hill super far from the pool.
Then I realized I forgot Ella's backpack so I had to go all the way back up!! Ugh it was sooo hot!!!
We all got some frozen drinks then the girls went swimming with Lisa so I could catch up with my Grandma who met us there!
It was nice to catch up but still really hot in the shade. After about an hour she left and I got to swim too while we waited for the Lyon's to pick us up with the boat!
Thanks goodness, this place is crowded and its too hot and not enough shade!!

Long line so they all went down one time!
Lisa went with Ella so she wouldn't go under!
Adelyn looks thrilled!
Boat time, thank goodness!!
Love this photo of Adelyn and Lisa! 

Ella so happy to go fast on the boat!

Beautiful out!
Pretty 13 year old.
My girls both LOVE the boat!!
We hadn't eaten yet so the Lyon's were so gracious to take us to Papa Chubby's! 
Perfect place for Ella, she gets to play in the sand and lake while we wait for lunch!!

Jeff swimming with Ella and another little boy which is staying with them.

Pepperoni pizza, super yummy!!
And some deep fried mushrooms, these were amazing!!

Adelyn is such a good big sister, she went to check on her after lunch and played with her for a bit.
The Lyon's ended up having to take the people home who are staying with them because of the heat. We headed back with them for a longer boat ride. Jeff ended up driving us back in his truck, since the water was getting kind of rough with the wind.
Well we got back around 6 pm and I had to pack everything up in the room then the whole car. The kids and I opted to go home tonight since we didn't sleep well the night before.
We said goodbye to Lisa and Nick.
The girls were really good in the car, we ate snacks and stopped for a little bite to eat from Sonic. Got home after 10 pm. Got them to bed asap!! Ugh so exhausted!!!
(No more dart tournaments for us!!)


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