Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 13th (Day 2 Girls Trip-Matching Jammies/Dog Days/Dips For Lunch/Shopping/JB Hooks For Dinner)

Loved coming out to the porch with my Chair Tea Latte and seeing this view.

We got the same pajamas to match, well 2 of each!!

Erin and I matched!
Carey and Sarah matched!!
After Carey's always yummy casserole Sarah went for a swim in the lake.
There she goes diving off the dock. Erin took these while she went for a walk.

Sarah came back and braided my hair for me! Thanks. My hair is getting too long!
We got changed, headed to Dog Days for the pool and drinks!
Fun place with music and an adult pool!

They even handed out free drinks, so I got a FREE Nutrl Pineapple!

Fun in the Sun!!

I laid out in the sun while the ladies chatted! Snagged a picture.
Snapped a picture of the pretty view before we headed back to the condo for a late lunch of more DIPS!! We broke them all out this time.
We all took showers, Carey took a nap then headed to a little shopping and dinner.
Cute boutique in a warehouse.

Saw deer everywhere!!

Headed to shopping on the Dam!

I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World!!!

They love Slug Bugs!
We got a table at JB Hooks for dinner!! And it was right at sunset again! LOVE!!
I mean what a view!!

Menu-Got yummy filet steak, soo soo good!!

So pretty!!
Looks like a rainbow!

Sunset pictures are the best!
Wow the colors in the sky!!

These views! I kept running outside to take more pictures!
Dinner was so so yummy!
We all got so so full that we opted to stay in again tonight and not go out dancing like we normally do!
Went to bed around midnight!



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