Monday, August 15, 2022

July 16th (Signing w/Attack Volleyball/Blackbob Bay as a Family/Steak Dinner)

Last night Nick and I went to dinner at Margaritta's, then to Hen House for Pie and Redbox Movies.
My parents watched the girls overnight so we could have some alone time.
Nick and I are doing better. 
This morning I picked up the girls from my parents and then headed to the Attack Club Volleyball signing for Adelyn. 
Ella wanted a picture with Elijah.
After we got home we ate lunch and headed up to Blackbob bay as a family!
We had such a great time.
Got some treats.

Ella loved the little slide! Did it like 15 times.
Headed to the new fairway market to get some steaks for dinner!
Made a delicious meal for dinner together!
We had a great family day, much needed!!


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