Thursday, August 11, 2022

July 7th (Volleyball Overnight Camp For Adelyn-Naismith/New Freezer)

Checked Adelyn into camp and now taking her over to Naismith to set up her room!!
(So cool that she gets to stay overnight a couple nights where I lived in College!!)

Her room!
Ava is here, her suitemate!
Adelyn is rooming with Afton, then suitemates with Ava and a girl named Ella that Ava knows.
How fun!! 
Got her bed all made up. Best $20 I spent on this bed set last year for youth front camp, it comes in handy!!
It feels like we are dropping her off for college!? Ahhhh not yet!!

I tell you what this place is updated for sure compared to when I came here!! Wayyyy nicer!
Afton is here!
We said our goodbyes and then headed up to see my old room!

I have so many memories of staying here!! All the laughs!!
Sarah got a pic of them in their shirts!
Look how fancy the downstairs is!! I wish we had this when I went there!

Our new standing up freezer Nick surprised me with!! Love it!! Now I can stay organized!
Hope Adelyn has a blast for the next 3 days!
Eat, Sleep, Play Volleyball!!


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