Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 12th (Adelyn's 1st Day of 8th Grade/Girls Trip 2022)

Can't believe it's her 8th Grade year!!
The time is just flying bye.

Oliver wanted in on a picture!
Best Friend Picture before they headed off to school!

Sister picture!
Adelyn carried her symbols to school today which was funny. lol.

Hard to see but she was crashing them together off and on to be silly! Ha.
Also here is Adelyn's sign not filled out, she didn't want too!
Picked all the ladies up on time!!
We stopped at Starbuck's like usual!
7 years!!
We are down to just 4 this year, but hopefully next year more will be able too come.
Carey, Me, Erin and Sarah.

We decided to head straight to the restaurant, and opted for a brand new one on the lake called The Cave!! 
Love being at the lake!
It is definitely in a cave! ha.

Super cool inside, actually cold and nice inside! ha.

So the pool wrapped all around!!
We had a 45 min wait so we got in the pool to have a drink and cool off while we waited.


They have a great menu also!
Carey and I split calamari appetizer and a breakfast burger!
This burger was super yummy.
We got back in the pool and found chairs in the sand to get some sun.


It was around 5 and we headed to our condo at the Ledges!

The place was cute and super clean!! I handed out gifts and we unloaded our stuff.
Nice view.
Got all the dips out for dinner!
And these great cookies from McClain's bakery from Sarah.
We chatted and took showers.

We opted for a walk down by the water to go check out the sunset!
This walk is gorgeous!

Wow so amazing!!

Sarah wanting a ride from a boat.

Love these ladies and these moments!

The sunset is getting better!

Erin got us these bracelets! So fun!

I mean....this is amazing!!

We headed back once it started to get dark. 
We talked and hung out then I got tired and headed to bed around 10:30.
(Side Note: Tommy Lee Instagram Photo was a BIG thing in our convo tonight, LOL!!)


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