Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 24th (Christmas Eve!!)

Painting their toys from Auntie Lisa and Nanu.
Rubber Duck that can actually go in the bathtub.
Piggy bank.
Tradition...opening one present from Mommy and Daddy on Christmas Eve!!
 Excited little girls.

Doll Vet set for Addie.
Doll tent set for Ella.

 Daddy setting up the tent!
 The tent it so comes with a fire and smore...ha!

 Love this cousin picture with Max!!
Jeff, Sasha, and Max came by to exchange gifts!!
 Max is up first.

We got him duplos and a bean bag chair you stuff with stuffed animals.
Jeff and Sasha got champagne and dessert!

 Mayva trying to lick his face!

 Lego sets for the girls!! Yay!!
And we got a Yellie!!
A weird Spider that moves more when you yell at it!

 Ella loved it but was a little scared!
This year we aren't going to Nick's families like normal so we invited my family over to eat appetizers and to hang out together!!
Group Picture before they head out.
So nice to just hang at home on Christmas Eve!!
My new necklace I got at the work Christmas party that lights up! So fun.
Sent this to my friend Erica and my other friend Shari.
I got the one below back from Shari...hahaha.

 Yummy!! The bruschetta I made was sooooo yummy!
 Stephen, David and Nick..enjoying some food....oh and beer!
 Grandma Joy, Grandpa A.D. and the girls...yummy food they said.
 Traditional pajama present time!!
 Matching onesie jammies with the girls again this year! yay!

 Stephen wanted us to open our gift tonight...a metcalf discount liquar gift card! wahoo.
Grandma opened her and Papa's...Sake Lounge gift card!

So cute in their jammies...ready to set out Milk and cookies for Santa!

 Selfie stick to the rescue!! Group photo before they leave!
Oh PaPa David!!
 Look what Oliver found....his own personal tent...hahaha.

She had a hard time falling asleep...she was just too excited this year!!
Girls are fast asleep!! Santa came!

 Adelyn's santa toys!! She really wanted the dragon legos and Squishmallows...oh geez more stuffed animals! Haha.
Ella loved this car at peoples houses before...thought it would be perfect...we shall see tomorrow morning!!
I am soooooo excited for them to wake up and see everything!!!
Both girls still believe in the magic of Christmas and I am loving every moment of it.
Merry Christmas Eve to Everyone and to All A Goodnight!!!

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