Thursday, December 27, 2018

December 20th (Ella is Better/Mary Poppins with Grandma Joy/Starting to Bake)

So so happy Ella is already feeling better...I don't think I could have done more than a day of sickness! We are just too busy.
But she felt way better and didn't have a fever we headed to meet my mom at the movies. Since I already purchased tickets through the school I am glad we got to go.
We actually raised close to $500 for RP!!
I liked the movie also. It was a little slow at times but it reminded me of how they did the old one!
The girls watched the whole time. 
We left the movies around 1:30 hit up some Casey's for pizza to take home then to start making puppy chow and cookie dough to bake tomorrow.
(I also lysoled and washed everything Ella keep the sickness away!)
 Adelyn is getting so big now she can help we a lot more in the kitchen. Making puppy chow like a pro.

Ella playing with her shapes from her felt tree.
Lots and lots of puppy chow!
Adelyn and I also made 4 different kinds of cookie dough for tomorrow.
Wow am I tired....time to relax!

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