Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 14th (Fri yay-Dino Den Christmas Dinner/Party)

My two Christmas dressed girls ready for school!
 They took in all their teacher, para gifts since I have them ready and its easier than the last day of school!
Well I went into work today and we only had 2 babies so I got to leave early..wahoo! So I got my last gift from my secret santa-----Robin!! Yep I was right. She also got my bath and body works yesterday that I forgot to take a picture of. Her last gift was the light up present...I love it! Well I love everything she got me!! Thanks friend.
I ran so errands and cleaned around my house. 
Then got ready for a night out with work peeps.
Robin drove me and Renee! Wahoo...sober driver.
Me and Robin Snapchat before we went to get our food.
I haven't eaten at Cinzettes for like 12 years and it was ok. I wouldn't necessarily go and spend my own money but they had some really good food and some not!
Renee and I traveled along with Robin to her "Plenty of Fish" blind date. Hahha. Yes a blind date at the Hyvee Bar! LMAO!!
Renee and I got a table chatted and spied on the date.
I could tell by her arms being crossed she was not feelin it.
After she ditched him she came back inside with us to have more drinks. We closed the bar down at 11 and decided to head to The Double Nickel!! 

Double Nickel cheers!!
Renee and I danced a bunch then around 1 am we decided to leave!
I had been drinking blue moons all night except the last coors lights...I kind of forgot they are a more powerful beer..they caught up to me! Ooops!
I also got locked out of the house, peed on the side of my house but eventually got into the house!
Wow great crazy unexpected night out!!
Love my work ladies.

While I was at the work party Nick took the girls over to Heather and Bills to see Santa!
Their liquor rep at there restaurant looks like Santa and comes over ever year for an they got to go see the Santa helper. Addie didn't want to sit on his lap she told me. Lol. Can't wait for the real Santa to bring gifts!!

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