Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 23rd (Nick's Families Christmas/Texas Roadhouse with Nick's Family)

 I was cleaning and getting things done around the house while Nick was working again. Then the girls wanted to play cards so I set up a pillow for Ella to put her cards down to play Go Fish! It was the cutest thing ever. Adelyn is so patient with her. Love her for this!!!

Nick got home and we got ready for his families Christmas out in Pleasant Hill, then to his sister's for presents and to Texas Roadhouse for dinner....long day ahead!

A friend, Marissa, Ava, Addie and Ella.
Some cousin's were missing today...but they still had fun running around with Ava.
Present time.

Squishy food.

Ella loves the train to play with.
One day we will have to get one for one of our trees.
Time to go and head to Lisa's house around 4:15.
Running a little behind.
More presents!

Glitter for their hair...thanks Auntie!! Haha.


 Toys to paint on also! They were so excited.
 Nanu opening shirts from Lisa and a picture with frame of us!
Love this Cousin picture with Brennen!!
(Miss you Bailey..everyday!!!!)
Lisa and her big 16 year old!
Nick, his Dad Craig and Lisa!
We left and headed up to Texas Roadhouse for dinner with everyone.
It was good and crazy with so many people of course!
Nick's steak wasn't right so that didn't work out...ugh!!
But he ate enough so we just got the steak taken off....Craig was being crazy and throwing peanuts at everyone. Oh geez...get us out of here.
Loved seeing Lisa and Brennen.
Time to head home to get home just in time for the 7:15  Chiefs game!!

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