Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 15th (Cheer Competition)

Ready for cheer...not a good smile! Oh Ella.
I was feeling a little hung over from last night so Nick got home in time to drive us downtown and drop us off while Adelyn and him hung out around there! 
The competitions are too expensive...$20 each to get in to wait and hour to watch your kid for 2 mins!
She is so excited to perform.
I wanted with Mary (Isabella's Mom) and her mom. Then we got to go right up to the elevated stage to watch them perform. Pretty cool to get that close!
Ella and her buddy Julie!

She saw me!
There she goes!
Blowing kisses.

 Yay!! Ella did great she is really getting the whole understanding of doing all the moves better this year! Awesome job.
Isabella and Ella!
These two are 2 cute for words.
While I was waiting for Ella to cheer. 
Nick and Addie hit up Donutolgy, 1st time for Adelyn. She loved it!!
And they got the car washed and got gas!
After we were done we headed home to make dinner and relax.

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