Thursday, August 2, 2018

July 15th-Day 3 (Denver Zoo/Tag Bar/Colorado Springs)

 Love the front of the Zoo...already looks fun.

 Family photo!!

 Hyenna!! Wow pretty cool.

 Baby Yak!

 Wow the Cheetah was out and totally did a photo shoot for us.

Mountain Goats...pretty cool.

One of my favorites is that they had bears!! I love bear exhibits at zoo's!!

Big and Beautiful!!


The Gorilla's were awesome.

The baby gorilla is soooo cute.

Super cool ape!

Cute girls!!

Ella had just fallen...poor baby. So the nice lady that worked at a stand gave her a free cotton candy. Then another worker gave her a free Denver Zoo book about Elephants. Wow thanks Denver Zoo!!

This bridge is for the Elephants to cross over...super fun!

My little tigers.

Polar bear coming up close to the window.

 Stephen had fun walking around with us!! He hadn't gotten to go to the zoo here yet..even though he only lives 20 minutes away.
 Love the Lions...taking a nap sounds good!!
We didn't hang out with any PMG families but we ran into a few while walking around.
Time to hit the road to go find some lunch!!
I did a quick search and found this yummy hamburger place! A whole in the wall trendy place!

 Nick and I split a jalapeno cream cheese burger, along with an order of truffle tries and onion rings.
(Which Adelyn loves loves loves Onion Rings...yay)
We headed over to see Stephen's apartment before we headed to Colorado Springs.
(He needs to clean)
It was cloudy out so we couldn't see the Mountains.
Some sort of subway/street car.

We see the mountains a little.

So cool a train going right by us.
Cool Yogi bear camp ground...I have heard of this before.

This is our temperature in Colorado.
Below is the the temp in Olathe, KS...winning in Colorado!!

Airplane at the Airforce.
Yay we are here!!

Our super cute duplex we will be staying at for a few days!!

This place is great!! The duplex is super clean.
We got a few things at Walmart then headed to get pizza from a local place. It was super yummy along with some cheese sticks.
We saw an ice cream place right up the street from us so lets get some! Yes.
Adelyn got a medium...thats huge!!

I got a yummy turtle sundae!! It was amazing.
Snacks from our host!
Our host was great...this is the nicest air bnb we have stayed at.
We are excited to start our adventures tomorrow!!
And yay for nice weather.

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